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Ignorant comments running rampant


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Originally posted by Neo:

I wasn't talking about the basis of any of any of his points, he is right to some extent with all of them. Just a few things he said which are VERY dumb ihmo. The three points he made do have a basis of truth in them.


This is ignorant. This person obviously has a hate towards black people because of an isolated incident in their life and possible because of what this person has seen in general in their life. BUT I have a huge problem with this person saying that this means that black people in general are somehow less than them. I think that his point is clearly made when he says people in the 1800's 'earned' their way and that black people didn't because one stabbed his grandfather’s friend. I can be empathetic to that situation and say that I am very sorry that this happened, it should not have happened, and that person should be punished to the full extent of the law. Please tell me you realize how unfounded this is as a basis to say that black people in general are a lesser class? Even if that’s what you’ve seen in general in life, does that mean you should assume that every black person you meet is going to be a lesser person? The answer to me is obviously not, but I guess when people want to think they are somehow better than others because of an inferiority complex they will find whatever they can to justify this.


Someone dressing nicer or not so nice has nothing to do with their race. Also, even if you can directly correlate how someone dresses to social status (which you really can't), it has NOTHING to do with what type of person they are. I take everyone as they come to me and treat them like a new person. It really saddens me to see you post things like 'Everyone has cultural and racial biases their based on life experiences and cannot be changed.' Even if you aren't racist, I feel that admitting and perpetuating ideas like this only lead to racism sustaining itself.


Maybe it’s just that you are racist too and that’s why you agree with their viewpoints.


The world doesn't have to be like this but it is. It doesn't have to stay this way but people who have outlooks like yours and Sweet8Tooths will make it stay that way. :(

my general understanding of the comment you quoted of his was that he is biased against black gang members. I could go so far as to say hes racist against blacks that are in gangs and stab people. or blacks that are in gangs that stab people who happen to be his grandfather. Words are up to interpretation (sp) one generally would ask for clarification on such a subject but since its the kitchen such things are not granted.


Hell im racist, black white yellow pink brown red purple i dont give a fuck i think you're all worthless cunts that want a hand out and eat dick for fun. I especially hate stupid fucks. and yes i classify everyone in thisdatabase as a stupid fucks and just because you're not on this list doesnt mean you're cool you also are a stupid worthless cunt who should be purged from the earth.

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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:


Hell im racist, black white yellow pink brown red purple i dont give a fuck i think you're all worthless cunts that want a hand out and eat dick for fun.

Fuck that. We have to draw the line somewhere. Down with purple people. Unless they're choking. Then help 'em.



Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

... If I want to say you're a fag, or a ****** or whatever I should be able to. It's my and every other americans right to do so... It's the first amendment and anyone can say whatever the fuck they want.

Rick, this is a private messgae board. The first amendment only states that "Congress shall not pass any law abridging the freedom of speech". Also, there are restrictions, and one is that speech that incites a breach of the peace, are not protected under the First Amendment; neither is the making of loud noises intended to disturb other individuals. That seems to be the case here, and should be censored.
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Originally posted by Neo:

I'm glad to see that you had anything even remotely useful to say.

uh oh someones getting fussy here let me get you a tissue for that tear. All i did was explain language and the fact that word is up to interpretation. IE on sentence can be taken so many different ways, which i showed, in addition to the way you interpretted it. then you interpreted what i said in you own scewed way and spit out your rebuttle which i interpret as a feeble attempt at picking on me now common Jesse take the gloves off buddy its the flame room. :D


boots up doom, dons trench coat and heads for the whiney highschool cafeteria of drama that is the cr kitchen.

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I'll help see sig below....


BTW how about a "vacation" instead of a "total ban"? He never posted the actual "n" word ever. He made a comment, everyone on here has made a comment just as bad. That is the least you can do. Anthony, please realize you have been harsh and made a mistake and do the right thing!

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Originally posted by The Pikey:

The matter has been discussed. He's getting a month vacation.



Any questions...hit me on AIM: Robviper26






This is what what decided.


ChameleonFormula on AIM if he has any objections or doesn't discuss it with Scott first.

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Terron...you posted that trying to make fun of the people that said they had black friends. It was obvious, and not appreciated.


Benjamin, you're right. This is a MESSAGE BOARD...a board that I help run. If you dont like, GET THE FUCK OUT.


Either way, im tired. If either of you have anything else to say...PM me.


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Terron...you posted that trying to make fun of the people that said they had black friends. It was obvious, and not appreciated.


Benjamin, you're right. This is a MESSAGE BOARD...a board that I help run. If you dont like, GET THE FUCK OUT.


Either way, im tired. If either of you have anything else to say...PM me.


i think you're a piece of shit.


whoops was this supposed to be a pm

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Terron...you posted that trying to make fun of the people that said they had black friends. It was obvious, and not appreciated.


Benjamin, you're right. This is a MESSAGE BOARD...a board that I help run. If you dont like, GET THE FUCK OUT.


Either way, im tired. If either of you have anything else to say...PM me.


Ya Marc you don’t run anything, and with attitude you are becoming an elitists. You do help keep things smooth; Anthony and Chris run the board, and I understand you do have a say since you’re a mod, but an arrogant attitude like that solves nothing.


And the GET THE FUCK OUT comment, that is bull shit, and you know it, don’t act like someone just dissed your kid, and now you have got to be the big bad parent and stick up for them. Ben is a solid member, nice guy in person, and if this is a message board then everyone is entitled to his or her opinion with in the limits of the rules Anthony laid down. So people are allowed to whine all they want, they are allowed to disagree.


And to Terrans site, it was clearly a joke, look at the damn site. And if you have any problems with him take it up on AIM, like myself, and solve things the real way, not this keyboard warrior, I am a mother fucking mod I run this shit, get out if you don’t like it, yada yada.


I think you need to heed in your own words and chill out brotha.

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Originally posted by B DUBS:

Ya Marc you don’t run anything, and with attitude you are becoming an elitists. You do help keep things smooth; Anthony and Chris run the board, and I understand you do have a say since you’re a mod, but an arrogant attitude like that solves nothing.


And the GET THE FUCK OUT comment, that is bull shit, and you know it, don’t act like someone just dissed your kid, and now you have got to be the big bad parent and stick up for them. Ben is a solid member, nice guy in person, and if this is a message board then everyone is entitled to his or her opinion with in the limits of the rules Anthony laid down. So people are allowed to whine all they want, they are allowed to disagree.


And to Terrans site, it was clearly a joke, look at the damn site. And if you have any problems with him take it up on AIM, like myself, and solve things the real way, not this keyboard warrior, I am a mother fucking mod I run this shit, get out if you don’t like it, yada yada.


I think you need to heed in your own words and chill out brotha.

Damnit Brandon, learn to read the whole thread before you post. He attacked how the board is being run...on the last page. I told him if he doesn't like it leave. What's wrong with that?


Oh, and who the fuck are you calling me an elitest? Go back to TrackAddicts bitch. At least their I think Mark has a spell check feature. smile.gif

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He attacked how the board is being run...on the last page. I told him if he doesn't like it leave. What's wrong with that?[/QB]
OK then by your fucked logic; you don't like reading our threads, fucking quit. I know a few of us wish you would. What's wrong with that?
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Ok, so we got a guy who says his wifes name is jennifer. But I am going to take a guess and say their real name is Jimmifer. Someone who gets "pissed off" or whatever by watching the real world...And some goth who hates everything but cares enough to bitch about gay rights and equality among racial terms...


Last I checked this started out about race, it should end about race. Redneck is meant for anyone who acts like a redneck. Ricer is meant for anyone who acts like a Ricer. Gay is meant for all the gays, nothing to do with race. I can name one of these things that is actually wrong either way you look at it and nothing anyone can do or any bullshit about being born that stupid can fix. The other two are oppinions, you could thinkg I'm a ricer or a jock or an idiot someone else could thing otherwise. So I don't even see how that fits in anywhere.


Personally I still try to get along with all of the above terms, rather I agree with it or not I'm still going to give you a chance to be cool. If I don't like goths gays whatever I'll still let them be them and try to get along with them I am one layed back mother fucker. But when you hatefully attack another RACE fuck a car or sexual prefrence, when you attack peoples races your a moron and should either be A. Open to physcial attacks without the attacker being banned or B. Banned your choice.


Other then that, wise words from a "Black Gangster." Just for the guy who's grandpa's friend got killed.



"We gotta start makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers and that's how it's supposed to be How can the

Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kidsbut things changed, and that's the way it is" -Tupac

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Damnit Brandon, learn to read the whole thread before you post. He attacked how the board is being run...on the last page. I told him if he doesn't like it leave. What's wrong with that?


Oh, and who the fuck are you calling me an elitest? Go back to TrackAddicts bitch. At least their I think Mark has a spell check feature. smile.gif

HEY ASS HAT=- find my misspellings in there ( i ran it through spell check just for you)????
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hey space ghost, if you don't like the mods or how the boards being run why don't you quit??? you whiney ass little bitch. If i was in charge, i'd ban your faggot ass so fast it wouldnt even be funny. Have you ever tried to participate in running a message board? well have you?? Just so you know it's not all cookies and milk you faggot. He's got to deal with your and everyone elses bitching and moaning and complaining and try to make a compromise or or decision that everyone is happy with. and thats only a piece of the pie, and with faggots like you theres a lot of bitching. So as was said before, if YOU don't like it, get the fuck outta here. Pussy.
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Originally posted by Rane:

Other then that, wise words from a "Black Gangster." Just for the guy who's grandpa's friend got killed.



"We gotta start makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers and that's how it's supposed to be How can the

Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kidsbut things changed, and that's the way it is" -Tupac

This is most moronic bullshit I have ever heard. I at least gave somewhat of an educated view, your just citing some Tupac lyrics. Educate yourself and come up with your own opinion you unoriginal bastard, quit swinging from Tupac's nuts.
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