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Ignorant comments running rampant


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Originally posted by mesteno:

"Even for male/female domestic partnerships?"

Yes. So i'm closed minded and can't think for myself because i don't agree with you?

No, it's because I don't think you are very good at it.


BTW, I think saying somone can't think for them self is a personal attack, would you like me to return the favor?

1 : to set upon or work against forcefully

2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words

3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously

4 : to set to work on

5 : to threaten (a piece in chess) with immediate capture


I suppose you mean #2, in which case you are certainly more guilty than myself. Don't you get it Joel? I'm a *lot* smarter than you. How much longer would you like to keep proving this? :confused:

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not smart, probibly.


but i'll take content and happy over smart anyday.


But i can see why you feel the way you do about marrage. it's understandable.


[ 21. October 2004, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: mesteno ]

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I dislike the fact that anything factual that is remotely bad about certain ethnic groups is "ignorant", a few things to keep in mind when looking through history:


1. Blacks were sold into slavery by their own people. Back in those years this was done all over the world, Not just in america. Many european country sold whites as slaves to people in the americas, it is not as widely talked about because they didn't sell as many as blacks.


2. Millions of immigrants who came to this country in the early 1900's pretty much were slaves. Italians, Irish, Germans, Greeks, Jews, ect. worked for extremely low pay in the most dangerous conditions. Many of my ancestors (italian) died in the horrible conditions in coal mines and construction. Also they had many derrogatory names, and also were kept from voting. But they also EARNED their respect by "building" the country help bringing positive culture to america. Yes the mob did exist, but the italian communities of New York were filled with respect, decency, and control. There were barely any rapes, killings, or crackheads.


3. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians get compensation for being a minority. I know tons of people getting free college because they are a different race (affirmative aciton). Wheres my free college? If it weren't for our european ancestors, there wouldn't be no colleges


- These are statements with educated reasoning, not racist biggotry. Recently my grandfathers good friend, a 77 year old man, was stabbed by a black 19 year old gang member, for $96. That is their way for earning "respect" in this country.


In the end everybody is racist, it will never change. Thinking that there is ever going to be a world without prejudice or racism is IGNORANT.

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Originally posted by Neo:

graemlins/thatfunny.gif What a dumb ass.


Please don't reply to this, you REALLY don't want me to pick you apart.

pick what apart??? truth


1.yes slaves were sold by one another and all races were sold. slavery on some levels still exhists in africa


2. many immigrants were considered minorities in the industrial rev. many jobs were given to the immigrants who would work for pennys on the day this includes. irish on the earie canal, chinese on the rail roads. do any of you remember the chinese exclusion act how about when we loaded em all up in cali and sent them to ghettos put em in their own schools same goes for the japanese.


3. yes affirmative action exhists i hate it blahblah male middle class n white blah blah even it in its simplest form is racist, do i care no cause i dont give a fuck.


and Neo lets be honest when you see someone dressed nicer you think better of them but the same thoughts run through every ones head when they see a poorly dressed dilapidated person. Everyone has cultural and racial biases their based on life experiences and cannot be changed.


but i would like to see you "tear" what he said apart since he did present fact. tongue.gif:D


also just cause i wanna VOTE YES for the domestic partner ban. It'll screw hetero and homo partnerships out of healthcare and tax benefits and save me some coin. fuck them all yay me, that is all


Kyle G>,

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I wasn't talking about the basis of any of any of his points, he is right to some extent with all of them. Just a few things he said which are VERY dumb ihmo. The three points he made do have a basis of truth in them.


Originally posted by Sweet8Tooth:

...Many of my ancestors (italian) died in the horrible conditions in coal mines and construction. Also they had many derrogatory names, and also were kept from voting. But they also EARNED their respect by "building" the country help bringing positive culture to america.


- These are statements with educated reasoning, not racist biggotry. Recently my grandfathers good friend, a 77 year old man, was stabbed by a black 19 year old gang member, for $96. That is their way for earning "respect" in this country.


In the end everybody is racist, it will never change. Thinking that there is ever going to be a world without prejudice or racism is IGNORANT.

This is ignorant. This person obviously has a hate towards black people because of an isolated incident in their life and possible because of what this person has seen in general in their life. BUT I have a huge problem with this person saying that this means that black people in general are somehow less than them. I think that his point is clearly made when he says people in the 1800's 'earned' their way and that black people didn't because one stabbed his grandfather’s friend. I can be empathetic to that situation and say that I am very sorry that this happened, it should not have happened, and that person should be punished to the full extent of the law. Please tell me you realize how unfounded this is as a basis to say that black people in general are a lesser class? Even if that’s what you’ve seen in general in life, does that mean you should assume that every black person you meet is going to be a lesser person? The answer to me is obviously not, but I guess when people want to think they are somehow better than others because of an inferiority complex they will find whatever they can to justify this.


Someone dressing nicer or not so nice has nothing to do with their race. Also, even if you can directly correlate how someone dresses to social status (which you really can't), it has NOTHING to do with what type of person they are. I take everyone as they come to me and treat them like a new person. It really saddens me to see you post things like 'Everyone has cultural and racial biases their based on life experiences and cannot be changed.' Even if you aren't racist, I feel that admitting and perpetuating ideas like this only lead to racism sustaining itself.


Maybe it’s just that you are racist too and that’s why you agree with their viewpoints.


The world doesn't have to be like this but it is. It doesn't have to stay this way but people who have outlooks like yours and Sweet8Tooths will make it stay that way. :(

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Originally posted by Sweet8Tooth:

...I know tons of people getting free college because they are a different race (affirmative aciton). Wheres my free college? If it weren't for our european ancestors, there wouldn't be no colleges

You obviously aren't getting ANY (decent) college education right now, free or otherwise. graemlins/grin2.gif


I wish I could make people like you black (or some other minority) all of the sudden and see how much your outlook changed. Kind of like the Dave Chappell skit in his very first show. That would be a fun experiment.

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Also just as a side note I think Anthony should put a rule in place that moderators who abuse their power should be banned at once. People are not always going to like responses to their posts. Some people may get offended by what other people say. That is just life. Maybe the video in question should have been deleted before anyone got the chance to make a big deal out of it. I say this is all pretty sad. I have known Steve for a long time and he is a good friend of mine and he is not a racist at all. I think him being banned is bull. Most of my friends are black and I also have black family members so racism hits home with me. I was not offended by what he said. If people cant speak their minds and have conversations with other people on different views and beliefs then what is this message board for. I think banning someone for speaking their mind is wrong. Maybe he did not express himself in the most tasteful way but what about the title of that thread. C'mon guys.
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Whatever Marc it a "message board" that is what we fucking do here "discuss things", if you don't like reading it, DON'T FUCKING READ IT! You are what is wrong with the country, stop trying to control what people can say. I will bitch all day long and guess what you don't have to read it, I don't have a gun to your head making you read it! This is the KITCHEN remember!


I agree with Jallen100 do a search for "faggot" and "you're Gay" along with that fucking emoticon with the flag and who ever typed them as a derogitory remarks is gone! It's only fair. Or bring Evilevo back. Not one person should be banned for what transpired in that thread unless you are prepared to just pull the plug and start over.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

shut up marc, i wasn't bitching i posted a link to a website


i dropped that shit ages ago, get over yourself

Don't you have some apex seals to replace, and quit whining and bitching. People are racist, bigots, sexists, whatever. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. There is nothing you can about it, you aren't going to change anyone's mind. If I want to say you're a fag, or a ****** or whatever I should be able to. It's my and every other americans right to do so. As far as the board banning racial slurs, and now more than ever enforcing the age old rule, I knew that was how it was on here when I signed up. If I was not willing to conform to the rules, then I'd have not signed up. If someone posts something that offends me, or I don't feel it's "politically correct" I don't go bitching and moaning about it. It's the first amendment and anyone can say whatever the fuck they want. If you don't like it TOO FUCKING BAD. Get over it and move on. If it offends you, reality check, YOURE THE ONE THAT HAS THE PROBLEM, NOT ME OR WHOEVER SAID WHATEVER OFFENDS YOU. Again you need to move on and get over yourself. You winey ass little prick.


P.S. same to you space ghost. graemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gif

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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

Don't you have some apex seals to replace, and quit whining and bitching. People are racist, bigots, sexists, whatever. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. There is nothing you can about it, you aren't going to change anyone's mind. If I want to say you're a fag, or a ****** or whatever I should be able to. It's my and every other americans right to do so. As far as the board banning racial slurs, and now more than ever enforcing the age old rule, I knew that was how it was on here when I signed up. If I was not willing to conform to the rules, then I'd have not signed up. If someone posts something that offends me, or I don't feel it's "politically correct" I don't go bitching and moaning about it. It's the first amendment and anyone can say whatever the fuck they want. If you don't like it TOO FUCKING BAD. Get over it and move on. If it offends you, reality check, YOURE THE ONE THAT HAS THE PROBLEM, NOT ME OR WHOEVER SAID WHATEVER OFFENDS YOU. Again you need to move on and get over yourself. You winey ass little prick.


P.S. same to you space ghost. graemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gif

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Originally posted by Veritas:

shut up marc, i wasn't bitching i posted a link to a website


i dropped that shit ages ago, get over yourself

blah blah blah

MARCS graemlins/supergay.gif ( i never realized that thing say "as gay as marc 78% so" fucking hilarious


[ 22. October 2004, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: B DUBS ]

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what point? he said to me to shut the fuck up, i hadn't said anything i just posted a comical website to relieve the fucking stress of the thread that got brought back up


and i love b-dubs. graemlins/supergay.gif


[ 22. October 2004, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Veritas ]

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Veritas:

what point? he said to me to shut the fuck up, i hadn't said anything i just posted a comical website to relieve the fucking stress of the thread that got brought back up


and i love b-dubs. graemlins/supergay.gif

You find that shit comical? graemlins/nonono.gif
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