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stuck up bitch on Sweet 16 right now.


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Seriously...how much more stuck up can you get? Somebody get me a large stick so I can knock her off that fuck'n high horse she's riding on. "I'm better than everybody else because I'm prettier and richer." :mad:graemlins/gives.gif She's not that hott, but she does have some big knockers.


[/steps down off soapbox and goes in search of TV remote] graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif

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Guest Ranger_Man

If it bothers you that much, stop being a fucking retard and watch some TV that has some class. MTV has been showing nothing but shit since "YO! MTV Raps!" was taken off the air.


I would have told you to go read a book but given the average IQ around here I figured I would try to save us all from another shitty post in the kitchen saying,


"Dear Diary,


I got this thing that everyone was calling a book. I am not sure how to use it though. It has some kind of heiroglyphs all over it. I tried to search for a keyboard in it to help me understand it but it did not have one. I pointed it at the TV but nothing happened. I tried other things but I just could not figure out what to do with the darn thing so I just shoved it up my ass, just like I do with everything else."

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Beer Guy:

"Dear Diary,


I got this thing that everyone was calling a book. I am not sure how to use it though. It has some kind of heiroglyphs all over it. I tried to search for a keyboard in it to help me understand it but it did not have one. I pointed it at the TV but nothing happened. I tried other things but I just could not figure out what to do with the darn thing so I just shoved it up my ass, just like I do with everything else."

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Originally posted by GSRchick714:


Thanks for that... No seriously, you're so godamned special that every fucking one of us needs to know every god damned time you decide to laugh at something on the internet... I heard riverside is having a special on plastic surgery this week, go waste your life there instead of bothering everyone here.
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Thanks for that... No seriously, you're so godamned special that every fucking one of us needs to know every god damned time you decide to laugh at something on the internet... I heard riverside is having a special on plastic surgery this week, go waste your life there instead of bothering everyone here.

Your on a roll today scruffy, your right hand not get you anything for valentines day?
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Shut up bitch, I got better sex this weekend than you OR your chillen could ever hope for... Shave your beard, cut your hair, and try to remember that the eighties are behind you now.



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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Shut up bitch, I got better sex this weekend than you OR your chillen could ever hope for... Shave your beard, cut your hair, and try to remember that the eighties are behind you now.

im calling bullshit.......if you have to TRY and brag about it you arent getting it......its not quantity its quality fat chicks dont count
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First off shes not rich, her dad is and she is just reaping the benefits. Shes wanting to be the most popular girl after her little party. Honestly, where the fuck does popularity get you after high school? FUCKING NO WHERE. So I guess she is just going to suck her daddy off her entire life.
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Thanks for that... No seriously, you're so godamned special that every fucking one of us needs to know every god damned time you decide to laugh at something on the internet... I heard riverside is having a special on plastic surgery this week, go waste your life there instead of bothering everyone here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by AustinL911:

Seriously...how much more stuck up can you get? Somebody get me a large stick so I can knock her off that fuck'n high horse she's riding on. "I'm better than everybody else because I'm prettier and richer." :mad:graemlins/gives.gif She's not that hott, but she does have some big knockers.


[/steps down off soapbox and goes in search of TV remote] graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif

not tryin to be a total ass austin. but i'm pretty sure mommy bought you a ta for granduation that you didn't have to pay a dime on and when you want to get something for it you say "mommy can i have your credit card"

moms only rule"you have to get something else to drive back and forth to school if i get this for you"


what i wouldn't do to have mommy buy me everything. so i'd watch who your talkin about.

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Originally posted by yellowsnake:

not tryin to be a total ass austin. but i'm pretty sure mommy bought you a ta for granduation that you didn't have to pay a dime on and when you want to get something for it you say "mommy can i have your credit card"

moms only rule"you have to get something else to drive back and forth to school if i get this for you"


what i wouldn't do to have mommy buy me everything. so i'd watch who your talkin about.

I don't know where you got your information from, but the only thing my mom did for me was sign on the dotted line for me as a co-signer. 'I' made the payments. 'I' paid for the mods. 'I' will be paying for the next one. Just an FYI.


I also paid half of the $6,000 we paid for the cavalier. But the TA was being paid for entirely by myself.

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Originally posted by AustinL911:

I don't know where you got your information from, but the only thing my mom did for me was sign on the dotted line for me as a co-signer. 'I' made the payments. 'I' paid for the mods. 'I' will be paying for the next one. Just an FYI.


I also paid half of the $6,000 we paid for the cavalier. But the TA was being paid for entirely by myself.

ohhhh shit someone got called out
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Originally posted by yellowsnake:

you worked at IGA. pretty sure 5.75 wont pay for a 25000$ loan.

and a little fyi for you. i was at byers when your mom was buying the car and she said "I'm gonna buy this for austin for graduation."

1. I'm sorry to inform you that you are wrong again. I worked two jobs for half of the summer of 2003 (IGA and Dynahoe Equipment). Earning roughly $6,000 during the summer only from Dynahoe. This was plenty to make a summer's worth of payments, and I had enough saved to make the other 8 months worth of payments.


2. The loan was not $25k, It was $14k and some change. Payments were roughly $340/month.


3. I know you were at Byers while my mom was there looking at the car. She was NOT buying it for me though, but rather deciding if she was gonna let me have it or not. She might have said she was gonna buy it, but sadly, that was not the case.


4. Why do you think the car sat up on jackstands so long? It sure as hell wasn't because I didn't know what I was doing. I knew exactly what I was doing. It was because 'I' ran out of money in the middle of the whole project and had to wait until I could scrounge up some more to finish the damn thing.


5. Also, why do you think I haven't got another car yet? If 'Mommy' was gonna buy it for me, I'd have had one a long time ago. But the fact is, 'Mommy's' not buying the next one, just as she did not buy the first one. I have not got a new car yet, because I have yet to figure out how I'm going to pay for it. I'll run it by you first though to make sure you approve of how I'm paying for it, before I actually buy it.

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