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OU > OSU's Life.

Devils Advocate

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In leu of a PM marc sent me, I'm posting this topic.


OU > OSU's life. Since yesterday, there has been a constant, fifty person Line out the door of the liquor store, just in preparation for this weekend. over 60k people will fill the streets of Athens on saturday, not one of them anything resembling sober. Whats going on in Columbus this weekend? One or two parties, might be some beer, maybe just some wine coolers. And Marc, aren't you even coming down for the weekend? Face it, OSU = The weaksauce in late October.

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drunkendubber >> You have one weekend, we have a whole season. thanks for playing...oh yeah tack on chitfest, norwich fest and any general riot we feel like commiting. YOu guys have halloween...... thats it now, sibs weekend isnt shit, the time change riot isnt shit, parents weekend isn't worth dick. face it your school used to be cool now its a bunch of kids that think they can party. and just because you had a bad time at osu not getting asss or having fun doesnt mean it sucks it just proves that we are choosey enough to seperate the riff-raff.


ur turn.

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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

drunkendubber >> You have one weekend, we have a whole season. thanks for playing...oh yeah tack on chitfest, norwich fest and any general riot we feel like commiting. YOu guys have halloween...... thats it now, sibs weekend isnt shit, the time change riot isnt shit, parents weekend isn't worth dick. face it your school used to be cool now its a bunch of kids that think they can party. and just because you had a bad time at osu not getting asss or having fun doesnt mean it sucks it just proves that we are choosey enough to seperate the riff-raff.


ur turn.

Advantage: Kyle.
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And oh ya, OU is a shit hole, so run down and nasty, sorry. Its definatly fun, and some of it is nice, but athens resembles Jennna Jammisons vagina...


( And we all know of course OSU isnt the nicest, but it is IMO nicer then OU, and there is a pleathera of ass, and hot ass at that )

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OU + halloween + open container near the main streets = 98% chance of getting a ticket.


OSU + open container = "thank you for not tipping over any cars" and could you please pour out the beer.


:D kyle >*

so when is the keg pyramid getting filled smile.gif

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Guest busteryhyman

i was born and raised in Athens and i think ive been to every halloween block party since i was 16. i go for the booze and simply to check out the weird ass costumes.


if anyone goes, hit the giant sorority house at the corner of mill and congress. they always have 12-15 kegs on their porch

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Originally posted by B DUBS:

And oh ya, OU is a shit hole, so run down and nasty, sorry. Its definatly fun, and some of it is nice, but athens resembles Jennna Jammisons vagina...


( And we all know of course OSU isnt the nicest, but it is IMO nicer then OU, and there is a pleathera of ass, and hot ass at that )

My friend who is only 18 just got ticketed at OSU for littering because he threw out his corona bottle when the cops came. The didnt even care he was drinking
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lets see, when ou has their big party, the only reason i know it happened is because the actual residents say it was badass, when osu has a party we make national news, bring out riot police, dogs, half of the cities police, and the is just the first year we do it, then the next year, they shut down campus, halloween at athens is allowed to go on because it is so lame that no one really cares what you guys do
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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

lets see, when ou has their big party, the only reason i know it happened is because the actual residents say it was badass, when osu has a party we make national news, bring out riot police, dogs, half of the cities police, and the is just the first year we do it, then the next year, they shut down campus, halloween at athens is allowed to go on because it is so lame that no one really cares what you guys do

....So how do the newspapers and people that rank us number five in the nation hear about it? I didn't know that the people who work for playboy and the princeton review all lived in Athens.... :confused:


And whoever said that Athens is uglier than the OSU campus is obviously taking too many prescription drugs... Your school is in the middle of the ghetto.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

....So how do the newspapers and people that rank us number five in the nation hear about it? I didn't know that the people who work for playboy and the princeton review all lived in Athens.... :confused:

There is a prefectly good Explination for that: Toothless chicks give Awesome Head.
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Guest busteryhyman
doesn't Athens pull in the help of 7-10 different police forces each year for halloween. hell the city makes most of its money each year on the arrests and fines alone during the block party
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Originally posted by Republicant:

In leu of a PM marc sent me, I'm posting this topic.


OU > OSU's life. Since yesterday, there has been a constant, fifty person Line out the door of the liquor store, just in preparation for this weekend. over 60k people will fill the streets of Athens on saturday, not one of them anything resembling sober. Whats going on in Columbus this weekend? One or two parties, might be some beer, maybe just some wine coolers. And Marc, aren't you even coming down for the weekend? Face it, OSU = The weaksauce in late October.

Yes, I would like fries with that, and be quick with it !!!
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I live on OSU campus and I got to athens alot since alot of my friends live there. I was there this past weekend and I must say that even though it was fun thats the only thing OU has all year thats even worth mentioning. Your school is weak. Every weeknight at OSU there are at least 5 random parties to attend if you really wanted to. Some of you are losers and I realize you don't know where everything is going down.Your idea of a good friday night is drinking beer and playing poker. Athens is boring. My friend got a 20 dollar ticket on his door sunday morning for having trash in his yard. That is weak, his yard wasnt half as bad as mine after a normal friday night at my house.
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

I live on OSU campus and I got to athens alot since alot of my friends live there. I was there this past weekend and I must say that even though it was fun thats the only thing OU has all year thats even worth mentioning. Your school is weak. Every weeknight at OSU there are at least 5 random parties to attend if you really wanted to. Some of you are losers and I realize you don't know where everything is going down.Your idea of a good friday night is drinking beer and playing poker. Athens is boring. My friend got a 20 dollar ticket on his door sunday morning for having trash in his yard. That is weak, his yard wasnt half as bad as mine after a normal friday night at my house.

Good point plus we have a large enough Bum population that if you have a cans only party you can drop them in your yard and by sun-up the next day the cans have mysteriosly cleaned themselves up.


Also lets not forget the big party Michigan weekend. starts on thursday thousands of kids get smashed and go jump in a lake. Doesnt sound fun until there are more people there than you can count. Rolls into friday more drinking, profs. know this and generally teach nothing on these days not to mention the fact that all most every college dept excluding engineering and a select few classes here and there dont have classes on friday. and if you do it right monday either. Sooo a full day of partying friday, moves into saturday drinking all day sunup to sundown we win...more drinking we lose WAY more drinking into sunday with more celebration or drowning your woes and a trip to any of the bars on campus or 5 minutes south of such. OU halloween is like home football saturday

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Originally posted by Republicant:

You're ignorant, and hang out with the wrong people. I've stayed in my room to drink only once this year, and whenever I feel like going out, There's a party or something else fun to do. Sorry if your friends are douchebags... :(

Your annoying and judging from what people say on here Im sure there are alot of ways that you suck that I don't even know about. I don't know you so Im not going to sit here and make up shit about your "life" or things that I think you do. Judging from your average post per day Im sure your weekends are packed full of hot girls and good times. Good one though about my friends, you would say something completely stupid and of no substance such as that. I just read your comment about girls jeans. I bet you wear a white hat, cargo shorts and sandals. Either way Im sure you have no style. This interent fighting is weak, I simply stated my opinion and you called me igonorant. Which is fine, you can say whatever you want. I just wish this would of happened before this weekend. One more thing, do you even own a car that is fast?


[ 01. November 2004, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: cripsidejordan ]

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