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OU > OSU's Life.

Devils Advocate

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Republicant:

In leu of a PM marc sent me, I'm posting this topic.


OU > OSU's life. Since yesterday, there has been a constant, fifty person Line out the door of the liquor store, just in preparation for this weekend. over 60k people will fill the streets of Athens on saturday, not one of them anything resembling sober. Whats going on in Columbus this weekend? One or two parties, might be some beer, maybe just some wine coolers. And Marc, aren't you even coming down for the weekend? Face it, OSU = The weaksauce in late October.

False ! You just have to be cooler than you (not hard) and know who to party with.
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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

100,000+ people must have it wrong OU is totally better :rolleyes:



All those people are showing their agreement that OSU is better then OU? I guess I can say one thing about the OU haters. They sure are organized.



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