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CSCC Kerry Supporters (RANT)


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If you go to columbus state you have noticed on many ocasions Kerry suporters handing out flyers, holding signs, many times in groups of several people of why you should for JK blah blah blah. Whatever good there getting involved, they belive in somthing.


What pisses me of Is im walking to lunch with three freinds after class. As soon as I step out of the doors this guy holding a stack of news articlas is yelling "Bush Lies blah blah". and tries to hand my a flyer, I politly refuse and say "I'v made up my mind already, no thanks." He again insists I take it, I say no. So now he has the nerve to grab my book bag strap and wedge it between my chest and the strap. I grap it, crumple it up, say "dont ever touch me, I have the right to refuse a political flyer" and throw the paper to the ground.


His friends sees all this going on then points at me, YELLS and this is a direct quote "Look at this guy hes all dressed up like a moron! But wait halloween is over!" Not knowing what the penalties of getting in a fight on campus are, It took every bit of me to not swing at him and every bit of me to not let go of my dudes arm because hes about to even hit the two guys.


At no point in time did I offer my political views and standings. In no way shape or form dose he know where I stand, and in no way shap or form do they have the right to touch me, force political flyed apon me, or to shout out that I'm a moron for simply not accepting a flyer


If any of you are the guys standing out doing this shit, if someone refuses a flyer move to the next person, dont force somone to take a flyer, dont make physical contact with them unless you knwo them and dont insult them so that everyone in a 100 yard perimerter can hear. These two were seriously a pigs tail length away from getting severly beat.

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Uncalled for, I wouldn't hve stood for it, despite supporting the same candidate. I'm not a student, you cloud hve asked me to nbitch slap him, I would have been happy to do it. Its retarded extremists like that that suck the credibility from whatever they support.

Originally posted by BenGNU:

and tries to hand my a flyer...He again insists I take it.

Anyone who does that is basicaly saying "here, you throw this away".

Should have said "thanks man, HEY, let me take that stack and hand some out to my freinds". Then taken his stack and threw it away right in front of him.

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Ben, if you ever get into trouble there, let me know.


Knowing a sergent on their police force is a great thing ;)


Keeping that in mind, I would have started some shit. My friend would have LOVED to have an excuse to forcibly remove ANY protester/activist/person loitering on CSCC property. I really wish I would have been there.

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Assholes. graemlins/nonono.gif


I was watching Tough Crowd the other night, they were talking about Kerry supporters harassing Bush voters in line for early Florida voting, throwing rocks at them, keying their cars, etc. Some douchebag tried to defend them saying something like: "Well, it's about time somebody got the balls to do that." graemlins/wtf.gif This is a heated election, no doubt. But it doesn't call for violence. :(

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Thats really messed up. I wouldnt have been nice. Good deal on your part you had patients. But I dont think they should be able to hassle the students. Yes they have rights too like everyone else, but your there to learn not get hassled. Good job on your part! Just my .02 cents worth lol
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seriously has anyone else noticed the retardedness of kerry supporters, not saying that as mean, but there seems to be a lot of kerry supporter stories and not many bush supporter stories? thats kinda unsettling for right wingers
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

seriously has anyone else noticed the retardedness of kerry supporters, not saying that as mean, but there seems to be a lot of kerry supporter stories and not many bush supporter stories? thats kinda unsettling for right wingers

Dig deeper. You'll find plenty on both sides. It is the extremes of both sides doing this. On the right, it's the religious zealots who are Christianity's equivalent of the Taliban, and on the left it's ignorant hippies with not the slightest clue about anything but disruption.
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Originally posted by buckeye:

someone tried to peel the bush sticker off of my step brothers car. BUT since they are kerry supporters they must have changed there mind half way through since only half was gone :rolleyes:

Remember that one time when bush flip-flopped about his religion a few times... that was hillarious. That Bushie, you never know what he'll do next.
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Guest infamous me 235
I've had that happen to me too. I just took it and tossed it away right away and some other dumb bitch next to me inline for that concession stand in the middle bithced at me and took it OUT OF THE GARBAGE CAN and gave it back to the guy. I was like, WTF?
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thats fucked up they would do that. but something else thats fucked up is how many people say "i'd have hit him"


bullshit you would. if anything bothers me just as much as fucked up fly giver outters its fake hard asses.

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All you had to do was flag a police officer down and they would have removed them. I work here. I would have appreciated it if you would have done that. I think I was 1 of very few Bush supporters in my area here on campus, all the moronic things I have heard form co-workers the last few months is finally over. But now the whining will commence and I will have to put up with that. Most people that work here are Drama Queens.....
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I dont need anyone to do any stomping for me, I can hold mny own ;)Yea I should have said somthing to the cops because I got hassled the next day by the same group different guy, but I think its punishment enough that Bush won. Id liek to see their hurt faces.


BTW: Space Goast I saw your car in the employee Parking lot one day, lookes great.

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