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Originally posted by Orion:

someone care to enlighten us?

Desperado got called out/punked on RC by Renner (i.e., Brett).


Desperado has yet to respond.


As an FYI, I believe RC administration has opened the forum to the general public.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

Desperado got called out/punked on RC by Renner (i.e., Brett).


Desperado has yet to respond.


As an FYI, I believe RC administration has opened the forum to the general public.

gracias, mi amigo. oh, and happy b-day as well.


called out and punked.....


since im not real big into registering on other boards just to read one or two things, and also, since its been alluded to on here, why doesnt someone copy and paste this "ownage" so that those of us who are lazy may peruse.

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Originally posted by Orion:

gracias, mi amigo. oh, and happy b-day as well.


called out and punked.....


since im not real big into registering on other boards just to read one or two things, and also, since its been alluded to on here, why doesnt someone copy and paste this "ownage" so that those of us who are lazy may peruse.

that or post a link to the site.
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Originally posted by Orion:

gracias, mi amigo. oh, and happy b-day as well.


called out and punked.....


since im not real big into registering on other boards just to read one or two things, and also, since its been alluded to on here, why doesnt someone copy and paste this "ownage" so that those of us who are lazy may peruse.

Thanks. The big 3-0. Now it's really downhill from here.


As for the call out, here it is:


Originally posted by Renner to Desperado on RC:

This board is about racing, having one thread to address some back stabbing shit talkers like yourself shouldn’t confuse you about this fact so easily. So to help clear it up, I propose we race this weekend. Lets see this 6 second $25K shitbox of yours. Since we at IPS know nothing, and your automotive knowledge is far superior to anything we could possibly fathom, you should have no problem beating a little bolt on import such as mine. Dig, roll, backwards, whatever, anything except more of your useless internet drivel.


By the way, I’m not running very much boost, according to your technical expertise, that means I don’t need a wastegate, right?

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Originally posted by desperado:

Anybody got a motor I can borrow and spray the hell out of? Mine ain't done yet, and the Camaro ain't up to the challenge, what ever challange was made. I ain't looked yet, need to see.


Either way, I figure either beat em or blow it up.

Typical scratching of their respective nuts between themselves. Unfortunately, their "eliteness" is limited to calling me fat, making jabs at my wire loom which isn't teal, and bitching about how I screwed IPS.


Oh well, I'm getting a hoot outta it :D

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Well, here is what I had to say


Well, you cocksuckers havin fun with this yet???



From a dig. No I ain't bringing the Camaro so your asses will have to wait about a while so I finish it. I wasn't gonna fucking bother, but I guess, so what the hell. One of you, don't matter who, can come to Johnstown and see what you will be racing.


As far as not answering and all that shit. I do have better things to do than sit on either of these fucking boards and goof off. Hell I wouldn't have known that I was even called out if I hadn't read it on the CR board. Only reason I came over here to begin with is to tell Ricky he was STILL my comedy bitch and just hadn't got around to it. And no, I didn't realize that Renner was Brett, Oh bloody fucking well, it's not like I am really motivated to do much other than fuck with all of you anyway. Oh, and nut swing, can't forget that.


That way you all ain't got to bother with joining there gay ass site to see what's said.

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venomss (happy birthday before i start) why would you all await anthony's appearance when you all created your own forum to get away from all these people? im not being a smartass or anything its just kinda stupid to keep the arguments and drama going all the time.
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

venomss (happy birthday before i start) why would you all await anthony's appearance when you all created your own forum to get away from all these people? im not being a smartass or anything its just kinda stupid to keep the arguments and drama going all the time.

Thanks for the birthday stuff.


I didn't create RC, I just actively participate in that forum. And I don't think RC was created as a means of getting away from anyone, like CR members or anything. Instead, I believe it was just a different underlying philosophy to street racing that guided the formation of RC.


As for the ongoing drama, I'm sure it'll continue regardless of my relative input.

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I'm fine, John. I foresee that no matter what I say, I'll be wrong over there ,proven facts on my behalf or not.


For instance: Brett made a post about the work IPS had done to my car, and how I threw my belt last weekend because my crank pulley never seated right and wobbled really bad. It was just a "fact" he pointed out.


I will bet him or anyone else that backs him otherwise. They're more than welcome to come look at the car tonight for this supposed wobble Brett swears by. I've got $20 on the table.


And I know that's more of a superficial example. However, this is ongoing between him and my car. He can swear all day on something being wrong because it wasn't anyone's fault but mine or the car. And unfortunately for him, I pretty much shot all those down, with witnesses to boot.


And you know, I could go on explaining until the end of the world, and it wouldn't make a difference to the crowd over there. So, why waste my time explaining anything to narrow-minded fools?

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It's getting better by the minute.


Ricky, is that the best the your goofy lookin ass can come up with is that I am a nut swinger. Damn man, that's about pathetic. But I suppose that I shouldn't expect much from a dumb little bitch like you, other than to run your face behind a keyboard. I do so miss you on the board, you were tons of fun to fuck with.


As far as racing, gee, think I said, gonna have to wait till the truck is done. But yall must have missed that. And since yall ain't bothered to say where, we'll run at PaceMakers. I do hope that you are gonna bring the whitewhale or snail or whatever the fuck people call it. You said I get to set the race, so there you go. 1/8 mile track BTW.


Figuring 1/8 mile, I get hard to work, swap in the 4.56 gear in the camaro, and the 3800 stall convertor I have sitting in the garage, and I should hit redline in 3rd coming thru the lights. And for those that haven't experienced Pacemakers, you can't walk across the track with your shoes untied, because they will stick to the track to the point you will loose them. SO, I figure that big gears and small tires equal reasonable time, and AWD and a hard launch equal driveline parts all over the track. Could be interesting.

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