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Ignorant preppy ****s (nws)


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Yep, you have experienced stupidity, brought on by too fucking many gangsta TV shows, poor upbringing, and an extra big helping of ignorance. As far as the ones that mentioned stereotyping, what exact stereotype would that be? Since he's black he robs people??? What sort of bullshit is that? Every day I keep asking myself when they started surgically removing common sense and morals from people. It don't take rocket science to figure out that being a specific race doesn't make you act, think or believe in any certain way. Are there haters, sure, there are people out ther that have it in their head that they are owed something, or that they are somehow superior to someone else. Some people of that mindset believe it because of history, some because they are victims of circumstance (upbringing, social or economic status (welfare) and somew out of shear stupidity. (and no I am not saying thay are all of one race or nationality, they only thing they share is lazyness and/or ignorance) And I will say the same thing I tell everyone I encounter that feels they are owed.


We are all owed the same things, we are owed one lifetime, of sun rises and sunsets, of good times and bad, a whole lot of love and a bit of hurt. The rest is up to us as individuals to make those days and nights whatever we want them to be. And that we owe to ourselves, and the ones that we love to fill our lives with love and things as we see fit. We all owe one death, and it must be paid at some point. It's what we choose to do with the time before that debt is paid that makes us who we are, and have the means to posses the things we desire, that responsability falls on each of us as an individual, no one owes you these things, you owe it to yourself.


I do feel for you, I can't even imagine how shit like that would make you feel, but I am guessin that it pissed you off. Onlything I can offer is this. You were a better person for not degrading yourself to her level and calling her on the carpet for the ignorant bitch she obviously is.

I will say this, as far as the topic goes, we need to look at what we are told ALOT less and actually see the world, and everyine in it one experience at a time. Then draw conclusions with the knowledge of those experiences, and never prejudge anyone or anything before knowing what they/it is really like. We would all be better for it in the long run.


[ 19. May 2005, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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Don't worry about it man, people are stuipd. I live in Marion, and probably 40% of the people in this town are racist toward black people. Half of my friends are black and when they're up and we go out, we all get bad looks. Just blow it off, that makes you the better person. I don't give a shit what these people think, I don't know them and I don't care.
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I kicked my g/f in the crotch once.. tv lies, it hurts them and they want to kill you afterwards.



Wait a black person made this thread? *Leaves* (J/k) Don't worry about it dude, she's just a dumb scandilous beyatch. For all we know she coulda been on edge cause the whore was fornicating on the laser tag field. graemlins/puke.gif

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Originally posted by MackZilla:



Wait a black person made this thread? *Leaves* (J/k) Don't worry about it dude, she's just a dumb scandilous beyatch. For all we know she coulda been on edge cause the whore was fornicating on the laser tag field. graemlins/puke.gif

zack is back.........
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I just said fuck it, the bitch wasn't worth me getting all up in arms over that's for damn sure. I have 49021931 other things I can be investing my time/energy in not some silly hoe.





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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

zack is back.........



Originally posted by Veritas:



I just said fuck it, the bitch wasn't worth me getting all up in arms over that's for damn sure. I have 49021931 other things I can be investing my time/energy in not some silly hoe.





:D +1
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