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calling out anthony green


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This whole thread is gay.


John, why on earth would Anthony race you not on his drag radials? It's not his fault you dont have a pair of your own. Seriously, that is like asking him to take off his supercharger so that you two are more evenly matched. graemlins/slap.gif


If you want to race him, good. Go get a set of DR's. Your car isnt going to break from a few launches at a track either. Trust me.


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My DRs are my street tires. The new rims you saw the other night? Those are my new street wheels, and they have Nittos (still a disadvantage over my BFGS).


No, I will not. Roll racing is fine, but dig racing on the street doesn't do it for me anymore. Too many unseen variables and consequences, sorry if that disappoints you.


I will make a night to hit your choice of track, and run my Nittos on my street wheels. No skinnies, no Welds, just my heavy 17s.


And you know that even though we run our mouths to each other, you're still my favorite Jew (next to me and my brother) :D

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Originally posted by linn.35:

anthony if we dig will you run your street tires (not the DRs)???


and will you dig race any place other than the track????


or would you rather go from a 10 roll with your drs

I never thought there would be a larger gaping vagina than Anthony, but you are the largest, most gaping vagina here. Race your fucking car or shut your fucking mouth. He has given you a challenge that both of you should agree on, and you are being a little sissy girl about it. Are you sure you don’t wait until the wind blows from the east, with a 72.8 degree dew point, with the moon at perfect Equatorial apex also?


You got your challenge answered. NOW PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

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Originally posted by (s)aint ZX:

I never thought there would be a larger gaping vagina than Anthony, but you are the largest, most gaping vagina here. Race your fucking car or shut your fucking mouth. He has given you a challenge that both of you should agree on, and you are being a little sissy girl about it. Are you sure you don’t wait until the wind blows from the east, with a 72.8 degree dew point, with the moon at perfect Equatorial apex also?


You got your challenge answered. NOW PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

Can I call you out then bitch tits? tongue.gif


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Can I call you out then bitch tits? tongue.gif


I need to get my bicycle fixed before I can race any vehicle you own. Or maybe I'll go rent a moped instead. graemlins/lol.gif


Better watch who you're calling bitch tits, porky. You aren't exactly slim yourself. But no matter what, you are still ugly. I can lose weight.

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Originally posted by linn.35:

how do i knon you will give me a roll race.

1) I've roll raced you before.


2) I've agreed to run John on Friday night pending my track performance. If I can run him, I can run you.


3) It's public. I've posted my thoughts on the situation and what challenge I've laid before you prior to this and today. I won't back out.


Will you wear your yamoca? Winner gets a jar of gefilte fish graemlins/grin2.gif

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Originally posted by linn.35:

how do i know you will give me a roll race.

how do i know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know?
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Originally posted by GTWEEE:

how do i know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know that you know that he knows that i know that you know?

How do you know that I really got you un-lost last night and that was my house you were at? How do you know it wasn't some setup to make you believe you know where you were?


Read Mars is Home by Ray Bradbury smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mister Formula, Esq.:

1) I've roll raced you before.


2) I've agreed to run John on Friday night pending my track performance. If I can run him, I can run you.


3) It's public. I've posted my thoughts on the situation and what challenge I've laid before you prior to this and today. I won't back out.

Can I wear my bedsheets and towel - maybe like a special events type of race, in the name of culture diversity?
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Originally posted by Mister Formula, Esq.:

How do you know that I really got you un-lost last night and that was my house you were at? How do you know it wasn't some setup to make you believe you know where you were?


Read Mars is Home by Ray Bradbury smile.gif

Beats me...I thought Mark was making a booty call :eek:
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Originally posted by Mister Formula, Esq.:


I will make a night to hit your choice of track, and run my Nittos on my street wheels. No skinnies, no Welds, just my heavy 17s.

Originally posted by GTWEEE:

If he doesn't want traction :D
This should answer your question.... graemlins/slap.gif
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Originally posted by ZO-SICK:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GTWEEE:

If he doesn't want traction :D
This should answer your question.... graemlins/slap.gif </font>
This should answer your answer to my question.


What was the best RWD 60ft? Last I rmeember hearing Mr. Stock, John, and pretty much everyone expect Andrew couldn't get traction


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