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FS: 1974 Cadillac DeVille D'elegance

Guest apotusoa

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Guest apotusoa

A beauty of car that I hate to sell, but rent is due and other bills dictate that it be sold, and sold fast. http://www.geocities.com/machoboracho44/angel.jpg


I recently (less than 300 miles ago)had a rebuilt engine put in. It now has the 472 engine from a 1969 Cadillac DeVille. 375 hp, 525 ft/lbs. of torque. :eek: This beast can really scoot. Since having the new engine installed by a professional mechanic I have used premium gasoline only and driven it with great care. Along with the rebuild was a complete tuneup for the new engine. So all the filters and fluids are brand new, new battery, new alternator, new belts, new hoses,new gaskets, new distributor and points. Pretty much the whole shabang as far as that's concerned.


It has power windows, AM/FM radio, 8 track player, power seats, A/C climate control, power trunk, tilt wheel, and telescoping wheel.


It seats 6, and the interior is in gorgeous shape. The A/C has been switched over to the new stuff (not freon) oh what the devil do you kids call it these days.....RU486? It is low though, so you'll have to put some in if you want the A/C to work, but it does work just fine.


Since I need to move it fast, I am asking far below NADA value. I'm asking $2000 for it, so make your best offer. At this price, this really is a steal...I wish I had the time and money to get into prime showing condtion; but I don't, so you can gain off of my misfortune.


I have more pictures of the car, if you would like to see them, and I would be willing to bring it to your location to let you have a look at it and take this sweet ride for a spin.


P.S. The horn plays "Dixie" to announce your pressence in style, but if you would prefer I can have the original horn put back in. graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 30. May 2005, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: apotusoa ]

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Guest apotusoa

No, it's not. graemlins/finger.giftongue.gif I understand that my hick stylings might be seen as a joke, but I am assuming a buyer wouldn't be buying it for that but would want the horns removed and would spruce it up as the classic Caddy that it is. In perfect shape, they are selling for around $8000...it wouldn't take that much work to get it into prime showing condition, which is why I'm letting it go for $2000 or best offer.


[ 30. May 2005, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: apotusoa ]

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by apotusoa:

I am assuming a buyer wouldn't be buying it for that but would want the horns removed[/i]

No way, I'd want it with the horns, that would be a big selling point.
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Guest apotusoa

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys about this, I had been out of town for the weekend without internet access. Anyway, I'll start from the top by addressing the rust issue. Practically nothing, the bumper has a spot about 3 inches wide and 2 inches tall that is rusted. Other than that, there is no rust on it. When I bought the 472 engine to have it rebuilt, the previous owner had it out of the car and on pallets, he told me that it had 76,000 miles on it (he seemed like an extremely trustworthy person, and I believe this to be accurate). Since the rebuild I have put 296.4 miles on it. The body is in excellent shape, the only part that could use some work is the back tail fin extention area(as you can see in this picture), they are made of rubber and were missing when I bought this car, replacing them has been on my list of things to do, I just haven't got to it yet. (the picture was so huge it was messing up the whole screen, but following this link will give you a good detailed look at it from the side)



The transmission is smooth and flawless, it has no abrasion while changing gears, never grinds and I have not had anything wrong with it. It runs great, and I have no reason to believe that there is anything at all wrong with it.


Here's a closer picture of the body so you can see the quality.




I wish I had more bandwidth to host more pictures, but I will email more to those couple of people who asked for them. When my roomate returns from his memorial day vacation tomorrow, I will borrow his camera and take more pictures, including those of the interior and the rust spot on the bumper, and pass those on to all who are interested. If anyone else (other than alibies and hot rod hoodlum, as they have already requested pics) would like pictures emailed to them as well, go ahead and put your address down and I will send them right too you.


I don't mean to be rude or pushy, but I'm leaving town for the summer in a couple weeks and would really like to sell this quick. So the first decent offer to come along, I am going to snatch up. Feel free to give me a call to set up a time to look at it 937-750-0644 and/or buy it. I will be checking back here frequently, or you could email me sdronen@gmail.com, or hit up my AIM screenname: apotusoa4444.


Thanks for the interest!! smile.gif

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Guest apotusoa

Ok, secured a host for pictures that I didn't think would work before. Here's a few not taken as "sale" pictures, so they don't emphasize the features of close looks at the car. More to come tomorrow, hopefully.





[ 01. June 2005, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: apotusoa ]

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Guest apotusoa

As promised, more pictures.




Including interior pictures, I'm telling you this interior is gorgeous.



And some pictures of the back body, this is the only area that could use any attention on the body. But I must reitterate, these parts are rubber, they are not part of the body itself so they are easily replaced.


and a view from the back, all rubber damage. but note the rust on the left side of the bumper, that is the only rust on the car.



Overall, still extremely sweet ride. I show you these defects so that you know what you are getting. It is in great shape except for those back rubber pieces. The engine, body and interior are great!!!

Make offer, I need to move this car!!!

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Guest apotusoa
red x's on all of them or just the more recent ones? I will try hosting them on a different server, and see if that clears things up.
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Guest apotusoa

OK, I have them hosted elsewhere. Hopefully this will solve the red x problem for those of you who haven't been able to view the pictures.




Others are on this page, because there are too large to view in the application. http://www.geocities.com/machoboracho44/carpictures.html?1117740148515


There's some pretty good looks that should hopefully work this time. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to Ebay it if I do not get some serious response soon since I'm leaving to Dayton for the summer in a week and a half.

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The A/C has been switched over to the new stuff (not freon) oh what the devil do you kids call it these days.....RU486? It is low though, so you'll have to put some in if you want the A/C to work, but it does work just fine.



Not to be a jerk...but I was thinking ru486 was an abortion pill?!??!






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Guest apotusoa

Yeah I knew it was abortion pills, I was joking around because I couldn't think of what it was called.


But if I could get the A/C to runon morning after pills, I think I'd go get a pattent.

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