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Kill Story


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I was chillin in thewoman's '04 GTP Comp G headed for Taco Bell when some 80's cavalier rolled up makin all kinds of noise next to me (either fart can exhast or just plain rusted exhaust) at a red light. When the light turned green, he actually called me out and spun his left tire!!!!! Well OMG did I have to show him! I dropped the GTP into "M" (anyone know what that stands for?) And went to work on the paddle shifters. I was spinning through first and second gear and through the smoke, all I could see was some dumb shit staring at me wondering how the wagon family truckster was blowing him away. That's one less redneck thinking he's cool with his purple tint that's all bubbled in the back window. I swear, by the time I hit 30 mph, he was a blip in my rearview.

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Shit I got destroyed in my 350z by a cavalier last fall. He was making all kinds of noise and I was determined to destroy him. We lined up at the red light and then bam he took off, he must of had at least 1/2 mile on me before the light even turned green. Thewoman and I looked at each other like WTF before we busted out laughing.

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