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Guest Rane

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I know you get bonuses when you enlist with "buddies." me and atleast 1 other person are going to enlist active duty in about 7months probably infantry so if anyone else was considering reaping the benifits let me know.



Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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I just caught a blurb on CSpan that the Marines for the first time in ten years didn't hit their recruitment quotas and this subcommittee was reviewing additional incentives. Entry grade, insurance totals, etc. they were talking thru several options.


Also, they said specific billets were in shorter supply than others (infantry may have been one of them). So they were debating about billet specific bonus programs as well.


In other words - hold out as long as you can to still make your timeline. Some incentives may get added between now and then.

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Sonar Tech on the USS Nebraska SSBN-739. We had bunches and bunches of Marines stationed at KingsBay doing security. I have worked closly with them and there are no group as professional and as dedicated as the Marines.


Navy guys give them hell becase they are part of the Navy. It don't say department of the Marines on their pay stub.

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That is the chAirforce. We run 1.5 miles and no bikes, but we can swim it if we want to.


Submariners have to be able to save their own lives, aka, run 565feet with a fire hose or a 80 pound "portable" submersable pump.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Akula:

Navy guys give them hell becase they are part of the Navy. It don't say department of the Marines on their pay stub.

Men's Dept. and direct deposit doesn't have paystubs. just fuckin with you.. but seriously, any bullshit your recruiter says, get it in writing, signed by the OIC of the RSS and even then... good luck getting your bonuses. i've seen lots and lots of good people get fucked out of "bonuses"
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Originally posted by Rane:

I know you get bonuses when you enlist with "buddies." me and atleast 1 other person are going to enlist active duty in about 7months probably infantry so if anyone else was considering reaping the benifits let me know..

You do know the "stripes for buddies" program is found in other armed force's right? army, air force, navy, etc.. Just thought i'd make sure you knew that before making your decision. Usually the marine's have the lowest sign on bonus'



In the army I entered as an E2 because I referred someone. There was no way in hell I was going to join as anything lower because the pay was E1:$930/mo, E2:$1200/mo, E3:$1240/mo, etc. The jump from E1 to E2 was huge, but minimal from there on out (this was in 2000). Not sure if joining as buddies will get both people something, probably just get you a referral rank bonus.
It must have changed since 2000 b/c the pay rate's now are.. E1-$1142.70; E2- $1384.50; E3- $1547.50; E4- $1612.80 As far as i know you can only enter into basic training as high as an E4.
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Word to the wise... How in the hell is Infintry going to help you when you get out and re-join society? Man, if you are going to join, pick a field that will help you grow into a job field that will help you in the future. I went in for Aviation-Computer Ops back in the early 90's. If it wasn't for my experience and training in the Corp. I'd still pumping gas. It's your life, but take it from a guy who's been there... Infintry sucks... and that's all you'll be doing for the next 4 years!!!! Hope you're ready for it.
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Originally posted by Akula:

That is the chAirforce. We run 1.5 miles and no bikes, but we can swim it if we want to.

Maybe a couple of years ago, now our PT test is the same as most other branches, 1.5 mile timed run (under 10 min to get max score), 1 min push ups (63 to get max score) 1 min sit ups (51 to get max score), and waist measurement (under 32 to get max score) max scores based off of age groups. We test once a year and we have mandatory PT 3 times a week. Failure of a PT test can result in seperation too, the AIR Force is not as soft as it used to be.
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Originally posted by McGraw:

wouldn't like joining the ohio national guard give you some of the same benefits with half the hassles as full military? Not sure I've never really looked into it, just wondering.

Yes, it's just like the Army Reserve. 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. but you still have to go through basic army training, and all your AIT training as well, but you can get the same sign on bonus', pay rate's, Mont. GI Bill as well as 100% tuition reimbursement. etc....
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Here is the Marines PT test (for a perfect score).. 3 miles in 18 min, 80 sit-ups in 2 min, and 20 pull-ups. You have 2 PFT's (physical fitness tests) a year and we PT'd 3 times a week through out the year. It's a bitch!!! But if it was easy, every one could do it.
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Join my unit and take my place in Afgahnistan next year! ..actually, I'm probably not going since I just got back from a deployment last month. But my job in the Army is teh shit. I started out in aviation maintenance, then I transferred to be a Blackhawk crew chief (same MOS, different job)
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Guest mudbutt
I just went and spoke to recruiter today. I should have the scores to do avaition electronics. Go test Wed,s o Ill find out then. If i can get in that field, the bonus isnt bad and it is atleast SOMEWHAT similar to what I have done for years(12v tech). Never really thought Id join the Marines, but I need some order in my life and this will provide the kick in the ass that I really need.
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Mud Butt, It's the best decision I ever made. Hands Down!!!! You get to travel, meet instersting people, Wear a AWESOME uniform that the women LOVE!!! and the pride of being apart of the worlds most elite fighting force!!! I wish you the best!!! I guarantee if you have the right mind set (which it sounds like you do) you will love it. I am proud to call myself a Marine and nobody can ever take that away. If you ever have any questions, send me an IM and we can talk (I'll give you my cell) about the finer details...




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Guest mudbutt
Thanks man. I probably will have a couple of questions down the road. I have rode the fence with this decision for years, though previously it was the airforce. The only thing that worries me about all of this is time away from my fiance. A good friend of mine, and one of the main reasons I decided to join, went to iraq for what was supposed to be 3 months that turned to 7, he is about to go back. Joining the military I am fully aware Ill go places and put in situations I dont like, but I think the time away from the family will be the hardest part.
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