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WMP Screenshot Help


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I need to take a still shot from a windows media player file so that I can print it out as a picture. I tried pressing alt+print screen and pasting it into paint but it just shows the picture inside the media player window as all black. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks in advance.
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Thanks! :thumbup:


also, AFAIK, you dont need to hold alt when you push print screen to capture a screenshot. im pretty sure you can just push print screen.


If you hold alt when you press print screen, it captures only the picture of the currently selected window, not everything that is on the screen like when you just press print screen.

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Thanks! :thumbup:




If you hold alt when you press print screen, it captures only the picture of the currently selected window, not everything that is on the screen like when you just press print screen.



ahh yeah thats right...forgot that it did that, because i usually just push printscreen and then cut out whatever i need in photoshop... :)

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