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Well, I am not leaving yet but, Norwalk will be the last time I will make it out to a CR meet for atleast a year and a half.


Jay and I just aquired our two story townhouse in Winter Park, Colorado recently, and are now preparing to move. One fuuuuullllll year of Snowboarding :) I couldn't be happier. I'll be taking the bike to ride some switchbacks with my uncle out there when the snow finally melts in June.


Eric- If you still view this board PM me. I am right by Berthoud Pass, Mt. Eva is across the fraser Vally and the view from up there is supposed to be infuckingcredible. Come visit.

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Oh man, we will ahve room all the time! Our place is a decent size. nice ass big living room, big ass fully stocked kitchen, two 12x12 bedrooms and 1 and a half bath for $600 per month minus utilities. Shuttles pick up at our front door every half hour and take us to the slops 1 mile down the road.


not to mention all the new bars and resturaunts this year... on top of what they already had :)

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Oh man, we will ahve room all the time! Our place is a decent size. nice ass big living room, big ass fully stocked kitchen, two 12x12 bedrooms and 1 and a half bath for $600 per month minus utilities. Shuttles pick up at our front door every half hour and take us to the slops 1 mile down the road.


not to mention all the new bars and resturaunts this year... on top of what they already had :)


Definently going to come chill over winter break. :cool:


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Well, I would like to say that I will miss you, but I'd be lying.


I would tell you to watch out for bears up on the mountain and not get eaten, but the reality is I couldn't give two fucks.


I could even say that I hope you return to the Columbus area soon, but it makes no difference if you come back or not.


Hell I would even say that I am glad that you let us all know you were going, but it would have been all the same to me if you had just gone and not said shit.


That all being said, I should say have a good time, but I could care less if you do or not.


Remember though, at least I was honest with you about this. :D

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Desperado, this thread isn't about you, it's about Ben. Take your personality disorder somewhere else. And then suffocate yourself.


WHAT???? At least I was honest with the guy. There are a few people on here that are tight with Ben, and will miss going out and drinking or bullshitting with him. The rest, with all their "See ya man, I'll miss you" bullshit, well it's just that, bullshit. It wouldn't be any different you left Tilly, I don't fucking know you, so if you leave, then your just not here any more. So the fuck what? I ain't gonna sit here and lie to the guy and act like I been swappin spit in the shower with him for the past 6 months.


And just who the fuck put you in charge of the morals on CR anyhow. You just deside to take it on yourself to defend Ben here all of a sudden or what? Maybe all this 84% gay shit has been directed to the wrong guy. You got a thing for Ben? Find yourself staring at his ass alot?? Get over yourself, and don't give up hope, he said he will be back. So maybe your chance to slap your man meat between his butt checks will come at that point.

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How bout trying something new, Like not saying anything at all.


Like I said before, if you don't like what I got to say don't read my posts. Otherwise, get over it. Either way, I don't give two shits.


As far as not saying anything at all, seems that make you could take some of your own advice.


That being said, your opinion have been noted, and will be given all the consideration I feel it's due.

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Really man, why? Out of all the shit I have seen you post, this just makes me relize how worthless you are.


This isn't a thread to get attention, and it i'snt a thread intended to start shit. This isn't a thread saying I am not posting anymore, because I will have a comp in Colorado. I have made a ton of great loyal friends on Columbusracing, some of the nicest people I have ever met, and will go to great lengths to help someone out in need, as I have found out. Some of these people I will not see untill I come back next Augest for a month to visit. So what this thread IS, is a thread to let people know I will only be out this weekend, and Norwalk, so that hopfully I get to see some of these people before I move.


Keith... I look over most of your posts, and I ignore you at meets. I don't care for you, which is why I don't address you. Which is why I don't understand why you feel the need to make a stupid comment to me like that, when you know all it is going to do is start shit. Everyone that has posted in here accept for you, is a friend of mine. All of them I chill with regularly at meets, and most have chilled with outside of meets on several occasions. So I would hope that there "goodlucks" are sinceir.


Really though, you are what... 40? Don't you have anything better to do than sit on the internet telling a 19 year old teenager how much you are not going to miss him when hes gone? But I guess I know the answer to that, don't I. Have fun with "racejunk.com" six second car buddy.


I would really rather not turn this into a Desperado vs. Desperado Hater's thing AGAIN, just stop talking to me.

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Gee, now let me think... I pretty much remember you making several dumbass comments my way not so long ago which you just repeated here. I also remember you begging for someone to tell you how to fix your door after you desided to kick the bastard in. I wonder who it was that told you how to repair it and offered to help if you couldn't get it together. And went out of my way to track your number down, call you and tell you that the instructions were on the board.


As far as the original post in here, I would figure that after the bear comment, you woud figure that I was fucking around, if you didn't see it that way, well then I suppose that's the way it goes.

Seems I don't remember what it was I specifically said to you that pissed you off, so at least now I know you have a reason. And me being an arrogant prick ain't all of it, cuz there are plenty of other's here fitting that description.


So have fun snow boarding in Colarado and watch out for the bears. Enjoy it while you are young, someday you will be a crabby assed old fuck just like me that can't do that shit because it will hurt too much when you fall down.

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