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OhioTuners is back up.

Guest sid3ways

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Guest sid3ways

Hey there my name is Andy and I'm just going through the main car forums around the greater Ohio area letting people know about the statewide car forum that was down for a long while, is now back up.




It was running a year or so, but due to a couple problems went down for a while. We will be adding a main page very soon once we get more events and such to put up there.


I created it mainly to use for posting up car shows and events around the state as well as a nice place to sell your items to locals (since we are all a nice road trip away to pick up parts).


I'm going to be needing some moderators and I'll be choosing a few from around the state, I don't just want all locals to me. I'd like to pick up a couple from Cinci, Columbus, Toledo, and Cleveland. So if you know what you are talking about please register and give me an email or PM on there, or here for that matter.


As far as the admins on this board go I'd like to get in touch with you to put a Columbus Racing banner up on my page to help generate cross traffic. If this kind of post isn't allowed then by all means delete it or move it to the appropriate forum.


I look forward to the rest of the warm weather we can enjoy and keep it safe out there!


Andy :burn:

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Guest sid3ways

Did that over the winter last year. Got a GTO then found out what torque was really like. I don't think I'll ever go back :) (except for a 93-95 Supra)


Next on the list will be an 03-04 Terminator ;)

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