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Kanye West=Idiot (should be work safe)


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omg, what the hell was this guy thinking. it was oh look there is a camera. let me try to say sometin oh hi america im a big dom itit


i actually feel dumber for watching this. i understand that the guy wants to help, we all do.


but why the hell would you direct that at the president regardless, i dont care for bush myself but i wouldnt say duuuhh, he dont like black people. come on.

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ok just to clear up what i said earlier. i in no way shape or form said i dont feel sorry for them. if u were to read what i write clearly u would see that i said black or white i feel sorry for the ppl who lost their homes. that includes everyone who lost their home. be it they stayed there or not. BUT where there is a will there is a way. 90 %of the people who stayed thought they could tough it threw. not knowing what exactly they were in for. i actually work at ocharleys and there was a family that came in that was poor as dirt and they found their way up north and are curently staying with some ppl who have their welcome mats out. and we fed them for free. all im saying is where there is a will there is a way. there is no denying that. and it was a family of 8. 8 freaking people. mother father and 6 kids younger then 10 years old. and they made it up here with no money. so dont just go calling people u think are uneducated about the situation idiots. unlike most people i follow politics and issues that concern our country. and ive donated $ 40. of my own for the relief fund. i feel for everyone who lost their homes.
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ok just to clear up what i said earlier. i in no way shape or form said i dont feel sorry for them. if u were to read what i write clearly u would see that i said black or white i feel sorry for the ppl who lost their homes. that includes everyone who lost their home. be it they stayed there or not. BUT where there is a will there is a way. 90 %of the people who stayed thought they could tough it threw. not knowing what exactly they were in for. i actually work at ocharleys and there was a family that came in that was poor as dirt and they found their way up north and are curently staying with some ppl who have their welcome mats out. and we fed them for free. all im saying is where there is a will there is a way. there is no denying that. and it was a family of 8. 8 freaking people. mother father and 6 kids younger then 10 years old. and they made it up here with no money. so dont just go calling people u think are uneducated about the situation idiots. unlike most people i follow politics and issues that concern our country. and ive donated $ 40. of my own for the relief fund. i feel for everyone who lost their homes.

Well if you actuallly read your post it comes off as you feel sorry for people that lost there homes, but screw the rest of them. Read it again bro. And if you are uneducated about the situation, then voice your opinion and it's completely wrong, then yes your an idiot. As for the lucky family that made it up here, that's great. But if I was in the situation to where I had no money or didn't know anybody I would be scared to just take off and leave not knowing what I'm going to do when I get to safe ground. There just as good of a chance that you could die leaving with nothing as there is if you had stayed where you were.

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As I have said time and time again. Bush and Kerry were kinda like being forced to have aids or herpies. I knew I was not going to like having either one, but was sure I could live with herpies so I voted Kerry. Bush is the equivelant of aids and is killing us quickly.


When I was in NYC last week standing on walstreet watching the US debt climb over 25 trillion I about puked. I know it was down around the 6.5 mark when Clinton left office.


Now explain to me how Kerry is more of a fucktard than Bush is???


25 tril is a lot of money, however. Do you remember that really small issue about 5 years ago. It wasn't all the big or anything, I think it happened on 9/11. PonyFreak, sorry for being rude, but many things have happened since clinton was in office. The towers falling, that took alot of money rebuilding. Well and we have been currently policing the world to attempt to keep you and I safe on our soil. Policing the world is stupid expensive. I do not wish to get into a debate whether or not we should police the world or what not.


Truthfully I hate bush moreso than most people on this forum. But the debt he can not take all the credit for.



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Truthfully I hate bush moreso than most people on this forum. But the debt he can not take all the credit for.




I definitely dont by that. Your political pundit pandering could have been confused for words straight out of old W's mouth. The september 11th incident happend, it is over. Playing that card every time the president or his disaster of an administration is criticized is a cop out.


When all is said and done and his 8 year term is over, I have no doubt that he will look back at "9/11" as his silver lining. Without it, what else could he blame his absolute lack of leadership on?

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his incessant patronizing of his dissidents with his condesending tone and smirk aggrivate my last damn nerve....


Oddly enough, that's one of the things I like the most. We had 6 yrs of liberal mayhem when Clinton was in office and the house and senate were full of democrats. Then America had enough and put in a republican house and senate and they could do NOTHING becasue Clinton vetoed almost everything that came across his desk.


Bush is now in there, which American put him there, and put MORE republicans in the house and senate. And, yes it pisses off the liberals, and Bush laughs at them. Now I don't believe for a minute that the rank and file democrats are like Nancy Polocie, or that other half wit extreemist that she's always around. But that's the direction the party seems to be going because they are the ones that are getting the press. But how can you not laugh and the lunacy they speak. Or the retoric from Cindy Shehan, who's backers are sending money to Al Quada to assist in their efforts.


And then we have this asshat, Bush hates black people. Bullshit, Bush possibly hates stupid fucks thought... and people that are shooting at the rescuers would fall into that catagory pretty well.

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