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crazy police


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two nights ago a cop on a bicycle was riding down the street in front of my parents house this dude jumps off his bike in front of my neighbors house pulls his gun and procedes to empty it into my neighbors dog while the neighbor is outside right next to it. my dad and the other neighbor come over to see whats going on and the cops arrest the other neighbor for asking questions. Amazingly enough the dog lived its back leg was shot in half and its shoulder is shattered it needs several thousand dollars in surguries to maybe have the oppurtunity to walk again.


last year they shot a kid across the street who was driving impaired after they had him blocked with four cruisers and he couldn't get away


and a little while before that they chased a purse snatcher from wal mart untill they crashed into a business.


my question is this why would officer pickering of the reynoldsburg police department feel the need to shoot a dog in the middle of the day in a suburban neighborhhod who was in its yard with its owner doing regular old dog things while there were little kids playing outside and in the park a hundred yards away.


and a warning a lot of you hang out in reynoldsburg on weekends at jegs and hooters and krogers might want to wear a vest in case one of these guys decides to trip out again.

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How did I know it was Reynoldsburg. Quite a few years ago, two or Reyoldsburgs finest pulled over a black guy and his wife. He was driving a nice car and had taken his wife out to dinner at a nice restaraunt. The two police proceeded to give the guy grief, accuse him of being a drug dealer or a pimp and accused his wife of bing a prostitute or some such bullshit. After badgering him, telling him they didn't want his kind (black) being in their town. After all this bullshit, they finally get around to issuing him a speeding ticket, so they ask for his identification. At which point the guy produces, his FBI badge and ID card. And a cell phone that he used to call him superiors. They called Reynoldsburg PD, and sent two FBI agents to the scene as well. Of course shit hit the fan, and the officers were suppose to be fired, but just got to play desk jockey for a bit and went back out on patrol. So when you speak of Reynoldsburgs finest, and ask were they get off shooting dogs, figure that if that was the worst of the shit they have pulled, it wouldn't be so bad.
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not that I know of but it just happened. I think maybe some of the people that live around here are going to try and get 6 on your side to do a special about it


Never going to happen. The media will not touch this in because of the bullshit that they will pull, like arresting the reporters for disorderly conduct, ticketing the news truck for parking violations and whatever else they can pull out of their asses.

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wow that is seriously fucked up.


was the dog barking at him or anything or even looking at the cop?


the cop will probably say that the dog was "trying to attack him". there are a fair amount of videos and stories online of cops shooting dogs that were not a threat.


one guy got pulled over, had his dog in the van. the cop told him to get out of the car, and the guy did, but the dog slipped out. it ran to the cop WAGGING ITS TAIL and the cop just straight up shot it. it was seriously fucked up. i mean watching the video, there is no way you could have thought the dog was a threat at all. i think the cop eventually got fired.


i hope the news gets on this shit, and that fucker gets fired. he should not be allowed to have a gun. send his ass back to being security at the mall.

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i had a friend get pulled over in his v6 camaro for a front license plate violation (in the window) and the cop accused him of stealing the car b/c he had only owned it for 2 weeks and the registration hadn't been done yet...fuckin retards

Having the plate in the windshield does nothing at all for the no front plate ticket. Your friend might as well just throw the plate in the garage, because it's just as good there as it is in the windshield.

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