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Guest PrattJ58
In fact, I don't Team Z06 has even been beat this year. But, hey, when I have been one to brag? :)


I thought that the red 93 Cobra beat Sam just a couple of weeks ago. I also remember a video where the Cobra beat Tilly more than once.

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I thought that the red 93 Cobra beat Sam just a couple of weeks ago. I also remember a video where the Cobra beat Tilly more than once.


I've raced Keith - the red Cobra that you're referencing - on two different occasions. Our races were videoed on the first occasion - I'm assuming this is the video you're referencing. I don't have that video in front of me, but, if my memory serves me correctly, it shows Keith beating me once in that video. On that run - and, indeed, he walks me - we were both N/A. In all the other runs, we were both spraying. On our very first run, I missed a gear. On our second run, we were both essentially dead even. On every other run besides the n/a run I beat him convincingly. However, he said he was out of spray during those runs, and I believe him, so I didn't see a need to go running off at the mouth about it. In any event, I'm fairly sure you're mistaken about the video showing me getting beat more than once.


The second occasion that Keith and I raced was just a weekend or two ago. I posted up the details about those races in the Kill Stories section - the thread was titled "Outerbelt Hijinx." Go read it for details.


In summary, Keith has indeed beat me, but probably not in the manner that you're thinking. Keith seems like a good guy, his car is fast, and there's really no shame in losing to him. In the end, though, I guess I got called on it - Team Z06 is, in fact, defeatable. Woe is me!


Hope this helps to clear some stuff up.

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Shave about two seconds and add about 20mph to your best times, that'll get you in the ballpark.


Sam, I heard otherwise :p


I dont wanna say what Keith traps cause I dont know, but I am pretty sure that it is not goin to trap 155mph.


Also I am not d\saying that I won, nor am I saying that Keith won. I am pretty sure we were pretty close. If there are any doubt I am more then happy to run him again. He is a good guy and I am sure will have no problem with this. Who said that I lost, cause I only remeber there being a few cars there to see us run.

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Who said that I lost, cause I only remeber there being a few cars there to see us run.


Well. For what's worth, when we got to Home Depot, I asked Keith who won. He told me that he won. I can't speak for what I saw cause I was too far behind. I just remember the three of you (Keith, Sam and Tilly) going three wide. Tilly I believe ran into traffic taking the form of a semi. Keith and Sam kept it up going on either side of the semi.


Like I said. I can't speak of it first hand cause you guys pretty much ran off and left me. I feel like a window licker on the short bus running with you guys.


It's all cool. I've known Keith personally for about twelve years now. I knew him back in his Buick GN days. He is a good guy, 100%.

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Shave about two seconds and add about 20mph to your best times, that'll get you in the ballpark.


Sam, I heard otherwise :p


What do you think my best times are so I know what the ballpark is. If this Cobra was a negligeble distance away from these Vettes, then it sounds like you 2 seconds and 20mph off.

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Well if Keith is saying that he won, then I guess I will have to race him again this weekend to make sure. :) I am sure Keith wont have a problem with running me again. :cool:


I think we all won and lost a few times against one another. It would usually depend on who got traction and who didn't. Doesn't matter much to me, though - all three cars are pretty evenly matched. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't.

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What do you think my best times are so I know what the ballpark is. If this Cobra was a negligeble distance away from these Vettes, then it sounds like you 2 seconds and 20mph off.


11.8 @ 138


I know a secret most others don't. I'll leave it to the party involved if they wanna volunteer the information. Shhhhhhhhhh.....

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are you boys aloud off the east side to come play. see if you can get permission to come on the west side. we have 3 or 4 good places to get a very good DIG I MEAN DIG RACE.IF YOU BOYS CAN HANDLE IT.WE DONT DO NASCAR ON THE WEST SIDE.



PM me with more info and I will show if there is good weather...

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