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Dumb fucking CHILD driving a SRT-4 in Westerville


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How can you NOT get the notion that after 5 miles, 4 red lights, on County Line road between Cleaveland and Sunbury Rd. at midnight, after the OSU game with tons of cops and drunk people on the road, with my wife and my dog and 1 year old nephew in the FUCKING BABY SEAT in the backseat, and me driving the speed limit of 35 for.....I don't know say........5 FREAKIN MILES. I DID NOT WANT TO RACE YOUR FUCKING BLUE SRT-4. Why could you not get it? What else did I need to do to communicate that intention? I would think that me pulling up to a red light behind you with the lane open next to you, would be a pretty good sign. But no, sadly you get over and show me your blow-off valve.


That is pretty cool you have an atmospheric blow-off valve! Cool! Thanks for showing me 100 times. I can afford one, but since it does absolutely nothing performance wise I will pass.


I only would have liked to see you get pulled over, because I would have stopped and talked to the Westerville Officer and laughed at your sorry ass after he would of taken your license and car and called your parents. But most likely again you get lucky in one of the worst spots in Westerville to try and street race. Still I have YET to meet a SRT-4 driver with a brain. DADDY bought you a car that will serve as your coffin also, WTG Dad! :nono: :thumbup: :jerkit: :gay: :finger:

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I really agree with that shit. every time im in westerville i get ricers trying to race me. either ricers or smart ass punks that see me in a racing seat with harness and are like "want to race your faggot ass car?" Some people are idiots and need to learn the hard way. in all honesty just because a car is modifyed doesent mean we need people to race us. not all people are into street racing
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was it that short kid who use to have the white ws6? i saw him driving a blue srt-4 thru easton the other day


He looked short in the car but other than that I don't know. He was a complete fucktard. I slowed to under the limit once for a mile and he slowed also so I couldn't get too far behind him. I called him a fucking Moron when I turned on to Sunbury South and he finaly decided to turn on to Sunbury North towards Medallion(SP). I am figuring he was going home to his rich parents house in Medallion(SP).

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