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WTF!!! (political)


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has anyone heard that the democrats are blaming bush for katrina even happend. that if al gore had been elected in 2000, katrina would have never hit new orleans. because gore's global warming plans would have prevented it, and bush didnt do enough. first off, how in the fuck can you be stupid enough to say somthing as retrarded as that. and isnt it common knowledge yet that global warming isnt real? ive heard the liberals say alot of stupid things im my time (which is very much time) but that is by far the most agrivating and stupid thing to date.
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corrections: its not all democrats; it is only the radical few whose ideas are treasured by the liberal media(and i use that term regretfully) as stories that are outrageous enough to raise ratings. Most democrats are intelligent people, it just so happens that the ones annoying enough to raise their voices are the ones who get noticed. I myself am moderate, so I don't have any particular affiliation, but I think radicals suck in every way possible.
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has anyone heard that the democrats are blaming bush for katrina even happend. that if al gore had been elected in 2000, katrina would have never hit new orleans. because gore's global warming plans would have prevented it, and bush didnt do enough. first off, how in the fuck can you be stupid enough to say somthing as retrarded as that. and isnt it common knowledge yet that global warming isnt real? ive heard the liberals say alot of stupid things im my time (which is very much time) but that is by far the most agrivating and stupid thing to date.


Global warming has nothing to do with it, because if global warming was the cause for an increase in hurricanes in the Atlantic, then there should be an increase in hurricanes in the Pacific. And the hurricane season for the Pacific has been relatively non-existent. Can't have one without the other, but don't try explaining it to that crackpot Cindy Sheehan.

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That's a rea interesting statement, global warming. Oddly enough, the whole thing on global warming, and melting the ice caps would actually bring the ocean water tempature down and not up. That would result in fewer and less intense hurricanes. Fucking crack pots that think they are meterologists, and experts on shit that they really have no idea of.
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has anyone heard that the democrats are blaming bush for katrina even happend.

You make my english look good.

Just because one or two idiot Dems think thats the case, doesn't mean all of them do. Bush's only responcebility lies in his shitty neglected system of responce. His dept of homeland security was supposed to be better at this. There was a failure some where in the system, and as W likes to say; "the buck stops here". His system sucked, period. Alotof his systems suck, from invasion strategy to econimics. It doesn't mean he bulldozed any levies.


Blame hippies for the tragety, sierra club et al, they successfuly lobbied the state to prevent expansion and reinforcement of the levy system because it would hurt the environment. How ironic.


Global warming is real, anyone who says it isn't cant fuckign read. What there is no hard evidence of is our responcebility. Climate changes happen, they have been going on for the past 6 billion years.

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Bush's only responcebility lies in his shitty neglected system of responce. His dept of homeland security was supposed to be better at this. There was a failure some where in the system, and as W likes to say; "the buck stops here". His system sucked, period. Alot of his systems suck.

He just took responcebility for this.

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Bush isn't 100% responsible. Clinton, Papa Bush, and even old Ronnie have to shoulder some of the blame themselves. Army Corps of Engineer funding has been going down for years, so there is less money to fix existing problems, and to prevent others from happening to begin with. The Coast Guard is operating with equipment procured in the early 80s, and their maintainence funding has been cut for the last 10 years running, to the point that their fleet of rescue helicopters can only manage a 40% availability rate AT BEST, due to the lack of spare parts. (PS, Congress has pushed the Coast Guard modernization funding to the back burner yet again). And putting FEMA under Homeland Security merely added another couple layers of bureaucracy to a system that already had problems.
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