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Sony Laptop won't power up.


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Man, I am lame with computers. I had my wife's Sony Vaio laptop in Florida, and I ran the battery out. Now, it is totally dead. Even when I plug it in, there are no lights, no noises, nothing.


I flew it up with me last night, knowing the battery needed charging. I plugged it in and tried to turn it on, but nothing is happening. If I hold the laptop to my ear, I hear a very faint, high-pitched whine like a capacitor powering up, but still no lights or activity.


Please help, someone! If there is something we can do to fix it, awesome. If the comp is dead but we can still pull the data off of the harddrive, that's an acceptable outcome.

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Anyone know how to get rid of 'burn-in' on a sony laptop? This thing isn't even a year old. I left a game on the other day, thinking, "it's a newer design, it won't burn in, because it never has before." Well, I go away for a couple of hours and come back to find a 3"x3" spot on my screen that has a slight case of burn-in from the game. It aggravates the hell out of me too. I even had the screen closed so I figured the screen would be off. Is there any fixing this?
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