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Transporter 2 - Retired in Miami, ex-Special Forces operative, Frank Martin, makes a living driving for the wealthy Billings family. He's a huge favorite with the small boy, but when the kid is kidnapped and injected with a potentially fatal virus, Frank defies the FBI and works relentlessly to get the boy's to safety and discover the kidnapper's master plan. not as good as the first one. good have had a better plot, and more action. and there was less automotive action then i figured there would be. but there is a pimp scene with him in a lambo.

so i give it 2 stars


Red Eye - isa Reisert hates to fly, but the terror that awaits her on the night flight to Miami has nothing to do with a fear of flying. Moments after takeoff, Lisa's seatmate, Jackson menacingly reveals the real reason he's on board: He is an operative in a plot to kill a rich and powerful businessman, and Lisa is the key to its success. If she refuses to cooperate, an assassin awaiting a call from Jackson will kill her father. Trapped within the confines of a jet at 30,000 feet, Lisa has nowhere to run and no way to summon help without endangering her father, her fellow passengers and her own life. As the miles tick by, Lisa knows she is running out of time. She desperately looks for a way to thwart her ruthless captor and stop a terrible murder. pretty kick ass movie, had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. its not really a scary movie as the previews would make you think, its more of a suspense. Racheal McAdams is a hell of an actress and nails her part. definate4ly reccomend seeing this one

i give it 4 and a half stars


Skeleton Key - Set largely in the dark backwoods just outside of New Orleans, The Skeleton Key stars Hudson as Caroline, a live-in nurse hired to care for an elderly woman's (Rowlands) ailing husband (Hurt) in their home...a foreboding and decrepit mansion in the Louisiana delta. Intrigued by the enigmatic couple and their rambling house, Caroline beings to explore the old mansion. Armed with a skeleton key that unlocks every door, she discovers a hidden attic room that holds a deadly and terrifying secret. this movie is all about voodo. pretty interesting. its not very scary for a scary movie, but this movie has a good twist. and will get you thinking. sometimes it kinda drags out, but its bearable.

i give it 3 stars




Crash - A Brentwood housewife and her DA husband. A Persian storeowner. Two police detectives, who are also lovers. A black television director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two car-jackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple. They all live in Los Angeles. And, in the next 36 hours, they will all collide.pretty much this film is all about racism. i loved this film,directed great, actually makes you think about alot of things in society. and has a great cast. featureing ryan phillipe, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, William Fichtner, and a ton more famous faces. its a drama, and well worth the rent.

i give it 5 stars

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thx for the opnions

i've only seen skeleton key, and i personally would give a notch higher rating

but i have been wanting to see the others as well

however transporter i was planning on waiting for the dvd release anyway

but thx!

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