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Just plowed over a cat...


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I was coming out of Publix and cruised down this boulevard talking to my wife on my cell. A dark spot a few hundred feet in front of me caught my eye, but it wasn't until it was too late that I realized it was a cat (there are armadillos, coon, damn near EVERYTHING here in Florida).


It was on the road by the median lane and I was a lane over. It was eating some road kill (bad sign, cat!) when it saw me. I slammed on the brake and tried to swerve to the right, but it ran right out in front of me. I was driving my Corvette and I felt the poor thing just get rolled by every inch of my car's underbelly.


Some douche came out of his Civic crying that I killed it, but there was nothing I could've done. It didn't have a tag, and when I flagged down a sheriff he said I did all I could simply by staying around until an official came by. The puss in the Civic apologized to me after the cop came.


I don't think there was any damage to my car, just freaked the heck outta me. Be careful out there!

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I never swerve when ther is somthing in the road. I think to many people panic when they soo some rodent, and endanger losing controle of there car, or swerving into oncoming traffic on smaller roads.



obviously you haven't hit a deer yet.


But i agree, something under 20lbs, i'm not going to do anyting to get myself rearended or in the ditch, a larg dog. yeah i'll try like hell to miss it. Cats suck anyway, i would have kept going. If somone leaves thier pet outside to get run over, it's thier fault, not mine.

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obviously you haven't hit a deer yet.


But i agree, something under 20lbs, i'm not going to do anyting to get myself rearended or in the ditch, a larg dog. yeah i'll try like hell to miss it. Cats suck anyway, i would have kept going. If somone leaves thier pet outside to get run over, it's thier fault, not mine.


I had to do a bookreport on traffic fatalities last year. more than 50% (can't remember exact number) of all fatalities cause by hitting a large animal, is because the driver paniced, swerved off the road, and hit a tree, another car, or another large stationary object. They even teach you in driving school now, that if you see a deer, hit your brakes but do not swerve.

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Another example would be, about 5 years a guy on his motorcycle was going down my street at about 70mph, a deer ran out infront of him about 50 feet away. The rider hit his rear brake and tried to avoid the deer, and ended up laying the bike down into on comming traffic and died. If he would have just hit the brakes and broadsided the fucking thing, the guy probobly could have come away with some broken bones and his life.
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Ha ha.. I owned two raccoons a couple years ago. First day of senior year... driving down the rode, pissed that school was back in. Two raccoons... stood up right before i hit em, sure as hell wasn't swerving. Felt em underneath and then busted up laughing when I saw them in my rear view. They were breakdancing!! The bastards were mocking me even after they died!


Glad your vette's ok.

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obviously you haven't hit a deer yet.


But i agree, something under 20lbs, i'm not going to do anyting to get myself rearended or in the ditch, a larg dog. yeah i'll try like hell to miss it. Cats suck anyway, i would have kept going. If somone leaves thier pet outside to get run over, it's thier fault, not mine.

I figured you tried to hit animals so you could eat them.

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Another grocery store we dont' have here.


Like Albertson's..


Hrmm Used to love Albertson's fried chicken deals.


They have Publix all over the place in Florida. They have Albertsons in Colorado too. I have never had Albertsons fried chicken though.

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