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Guest cgotti

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yes it would murder my car because i have done 0 performance mods to my engine. all of my money has gone to suspension on my car and hell i know tons of miatas that would frankly, smoke the shit outta a z06. hell the one im thinking about would either out run a zo6 or do atleast as good. ever heard of a ls1? yes im sure but how about a ls1 in a miata? its been done and its quite fast.


*edit* ahem ls1 miata


only one of the now many


So your saying a nose heavy, short wheelbase, narrow track, twitchy miata would smoke a Z06 on a road course. Doubtful to say the least.

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yes it would murder my car because i have done 0 performance mods to my engine. all of my money has gone to suspension on my car and hell i know tons of miatas that would frankly, smoke the shit outta a z06. hell the one im thinking about would either out run a zo6 or do atleast as good. ever heard of a ls1? yes im sure but how about a ls1 in a miata? its been done and its quite fast.


*edit* ahem ls1 miata


only one of the now many



You are a tool stop posting now

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So theres one or two miatas that can smoke stock z06's? Oh wait, they're still miatas.


Mustangs get made fun of because they're everywhere, and even the slow ones think they're fast. It's like the honda syndrome; "OMG SOMEHWERE SOMEONE HAS A FOUR SECOND CIVIC SO THAT MEANS MY DX WITH A FART PIPE JUST DROPPED FROM AN 18 SECOND QUARTER MILE TO A 14 SECOND!!!!!". The owners of mustangs is what make it fun to make fun of them.


Miatas are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo girly.

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Their is no fastest car in the columbus area........there will always be someone faster. Check your ego's at the door. Theirs so many cars that don't go and hangout and rev their engine's in a parking lot that people never know about, so to say my RX-7 or my Vette or my Stang is the fastest is second grade humor.




Oh and knocking dragracing is not a smart move.....most of you wouldn't have the cars you would today if it wasn't for the dragracer's. Racing from a roll is gay IMO what does it prove? I can race a bicycle from a roll.


New guy is gettin froggy :)


most of the time when you ask of the "fastest" it pertains to the members HERE not ALL of columbus


keep on truckin

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So theres one or two miatas that can smoke stock z06's? Oh wait, they're still miatas.


Mustangs get made fun of because they're everywhere, and even the slow ones think they're fast. It's like the honda syndrome; "OMG SOMEHWERE SOMEONE HAS A FOUR SECOND CIVIC SO THAT MEANS MY DX WITH A FART PIPE JUST DROPPED FROM AN 18 SECOND QUARTER MILE TO A 14 SECOND!!!!!". The owners of mustangs is what make it fun to make fun of them.


Miatas are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo girly.


I think thats a handful of mustang owners...mostly the ones that don't know shit anyway or the little rich kids whose mommy and daddy bought them a new 03 Cobra or 05 GT. I think the syndrome goes for alot of people just not the honda and stang crowd.......take for example some vette drivers....just because it's a 50k vette must make it the baddest car on the road, when a 5k dollar 5.0 w/ 3k in mods blows it off the road. Mustangs are everywhere because they affordable and easy and cheap to build, just like a small block chevy. So you knock people that want something thats pretty quick from the start and can make it a fast street car for less than it would cost to build a DX or a supra or a vette? I say make fun of them all you want if thats the lame ass reason for it. Thats the poorest excuse i've ever heard! If someone wants to put a body kit and a fart pipe on the honda that his mom was taking him to school in last year thats fine just don't think you king shit and drive like an ass. Which is what i've seen from some members on this board.


You make fun of mustangs because there everywhere...... maybe you should look at what you drive or what others drive...A DX...no they're not everywhere those cars are more apparent than anything on the road, so DX's never lose, even the slow ones cough cough think there fast, give me a break. Every fart pipe car i've seen driving around drive's like an idiot always hitting the rev limiter and pipe checking everything it drives by, while swirving in and out of traffic. Now i'm not saying you do this, but don't be so quick to knock on one group when the street is filled w/ assholes in all kinds of cars.


So what do you drive? you must drive the rarest car ever built......don't know though cause you like to talk but too shy to put what you drive......interesting.....is that the TRUTH



Don't mean to be harsh.... but it's not making much sense.... so i'll stop now before it's get outta hand.


Drive what you want and be proud of what your drive and build! Good Luck and be safe!

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Miatas are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo girly.


Yes they are girly, but u know ur girlfreind didnt tell me that last night when i picked her up. dood seriously i have yet to meet a girl that does not like my car. as far as i have ever seen a girly car + Girls = Picking up chicks no problem

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You drove all the way to athens to pick up my girlfriend? Damn dude, desperation is a bitch. You can borrow her for a night, I know that the tiny shit you're packing wont affect my dick groove at all.


I've seen you, kid. The only bitches that you're picking up are dykes and thirty year old, 2-kid moms whose husbands left them at the liquor store. You seriously need to drop the pretend autosport, get a real car, and stop bragging like what you and your brother own is sweet. Both of your cars are stupid and queer and slow, and the more that you defend poor taste, the more foolish you look in the eyes of the community. If you want to run shit at whatever burger king you work at, then go right ahead. As long as you stop posting inane shit that amplifies the douchebag scented glow of ignorance emanating from you and your Lady-pimping, tire squeeling, single-gay-male-about-town drift machine, then none of us will be bothered by whatever it is you and your "drifting buddies" do in your free time.


I would talk shit to whoever the fuck that truckin guy is, but he hasn't really said anything coherent or worth adressing. Mehtinks he should shut his noob mouth and stop riding teh mustang's nuts.

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I would talk shit to whoever the fuck that truckin guy is, but he hasn't really said anything coherent or worth adressing. Mehtinks he should shut his noob mouth and stop riding teh mustang's nuts.



Actually I'm not that new here....been here for awhile i don't have many posts because there's really not much worth posting about. I'm just interested why the hate towards stangs thats all.....and then got the lamest damn excuse i've ever heard of "because their everywhere" wow makes sense now. Couldn't come up w/ anything better than that? Go ahead and talk shit.....like i care what a teenager says to me. Just run along now.

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As long as you stop posting inane shit that amplifies the douchebag scented glow of ignorance emanating from you and your Lady-pimping, tire squeeling, single-gay-male-about-town drift machine, then none of us will be bothered by whatever it is you and your "drifting buddies" do in your free time.


This was so good it warranted repeating.


Quality stuff - Jon has come so far, it brings a small tear to my eye.

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