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So I hit two deer tonight........


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I was driving home from the new girl I've been seeing, who lives out in BFE. I'm crusing along at about 60MPH on a back road. I see eyeball reflections in the ditch; I immediately pour on the brakes.


Well, ABS kicks in, but I was only able to slow down to about 20-30MPH. 3 freaking deer are darting towards me......I hit two of them. They sure did have a surprised look on their face as they were being pushed out of the way.


Well fawk, that bites the big one. I get out, check for damage, couldn't really see anything in the dark. I get home, and find the following:



Cracked hood. The paint chips were already there (car has over 205k on it). The chips aren't as noticable in person, but the crack is. :(



Small crack in the headlight housing. Also blew out my high-beam on that side. Typical POS Ford fogged over headlights.



Headlight is pushed in a bit, but is in there solid. Probably bent the mounting bracket.


Though the car has full coverage on it, the $250 deductable isn't worth it. I'd rather just replace the headlights (needs them anyway), and find a junk yard hood in the same color.

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I just got my car back friday from hitting a deer, 2nd one I have hit in 3 months, 1st one hit and drove over top of, not good, car was in body shop for 2 months, get it back for 3 weeks and blast another one at 55mph and destroy the front drivers corner, my insurance company loves me. Glad to hear your allright, good luck with the hunt for the new parts...
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