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Holy Sh!t


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Ok last month posted the we were excepting a baby. was extermly happy all was good in the world . yay for me. went this morning with the wife to get her first ultrasound done. Doctor looks at us and contrats your having twin. TWINS!!!!!!!!111!! I about fell over. So with that being said I'm extermaly happy. But at the same time WTF am i going to do.


I'm still in shock a little bit as is the wife but we are both looking forward to this.

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Ok last month posted the we were excepting a baby. was extermly happy all was good in the world . yay for me. went this morning with the wife to get her first ultrasound done. Doctor looks at us and contrats your having twin. TWINS!!!!!!!!111!! I about fell over. So with that being said I'm extermaly happy. But at the same time WTF am i going to do.


I'm still in shock a little bit as is the wife but we are both looking forward to this.


Haha, awsome man, congrats! :cool:


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Economically speaking the cost per child goes down with the increase in the number of kids, so that's a good thing. I have two children and let me tell you it is alot differnt than one, but in your case it will probably be twice as rewarding.
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Congrats! Must have had some super swimmers that wouldnt give up.

When is the rough due date?

org. due date was late April. but with twins that will change. We has to see a high risk specialist (normal for twin births) to get a new due date and what not.

Also I think it was a givin we had twins MY wife is a twin(identical) and so was her father(matural).

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Congrats dude! You have some Olympic Swimmers.


That would be correct if they are fraternal like my brother and I, meaning two seperate eggs being fertilized, but identical twins are from the same egg and require only one lil swimmer.



Congrats Shawn! You're gonna love twins!

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