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Flicking CIGARETTS? Hit my car again=DEATH


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it is a $500 fine minimum. Cigarette butts are considered litter


not totally true. i got a ticket for throwing a cig out the window. i was very concerned that i was gonna get a 500 dollar ticket because i see those signs everywhere...but it was 91 dollars.


as for cigarettes being considered litter, i belive the only thing you can legally throw out of your car is clear water.

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Erica just started smoking again after quitting for over 2 years. She asked me if it was a good idea. I told her if she likes it and can quit cold turky easily like she does then go ahead. Now... I believe that she enjoys it. She doesn't "have to" smoke but she likes it. So, if you can't seem to understand how people smoke because they enjoy it, it's because you don't smoke.
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Tossing cigarettes out of the window is littering, end of story.


Having it hit someone’s car is just inconsiderate, end of story.


I don't throw my trash out of the window. It's something I'm actually anal about because I like to try to take of the environment. Taking care of the environment isn't just about 'saving the trees and whales'. It's about doing what we can to make this world a better place for all of us to live in. Littering causes trash to be built up on the sides of roads, ditches, and in parking lots. It's a visual pollutant to every human who sees it. Not to mention what it actually does to the ecosystem. Anyone who knows anything about this realizes that it's a compromise of what we want to do, and what we need to do (even the tree hugging hippies and the oil tycoons).


While I don't believe that all people who smoke are weak, I do believe it's a much worse drug than just about any other legal drug (that you don’t need a prescription to get). I like to drink, so do you Berto. Some could consider that a weakness, but neither of us need to drink. But some people do ‘need’ to drink; these people are called alcoholics. When I get home and say “Damn, today sucked, I really need a beer”, it’s not like when Ben gets home and say “Damn, today was stressful, I really need a cigarette”. That’s because one person is addicted to that thing and another isn’t. I’d venture to say that the percentage of people who drink that are addicted to it is very much less than the percentage of people who smoke and are addicted to it. As anecdotal evidence, I can’t think of one person in my personal life that is addicted to alcohol, but I know plenty who drink. I know plenty of people who smoke cigarettes, but only a few of them smoke on an occasional basis. I can, and very well may, go this whole (work) week without drinking. I might have a beer or two one evening or two during the week. It just depends. I can say without a doubt (unless he decides to quit cold turkey again sometime today), that Ben will have a few cigarettes tonight, and the next night, and the night after that. And if he doesn’t (decides to quit), that it will have negative physiological and psychological effects on him. Just as if I were addicted to alcohol it would on my body and psyche. I don’t think that any of this necessarily means that one group is weaker (or has more addictive personalities) than the other (if you could separate them into two groups). I think that this just means that one drug (cigarettes) is more addictive than the other (alcohol).


Now if we were talking about caffeine and cigarettes, it would be a much closer race.


On a further note, if one person has a more addictive personality than the next, does that necessarily mean that person is weaker?


FYI, for all of you who might be ‘morons’:


Main Entry: en·vi·ron·ment

Pronunciation: in-'vI-r&(n)-m&nt, -'vI(-&)r(n)-

Function: noun

1 : the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded

2 a : the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival




Main Entry: pol·lute

Pronunciation: p&-'lüt

Function: transitive verb


2 b : to contaminate (an environment) especially with man-made waste



Main Entry: 1lit·ter

Pronunciation: 'li-t&r

Function: noun


4 a : trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying scattered about <trying to clean up the roadside litter>

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Guest turbojc

Every car has an "ash tray" Just put the but in the tray when you are done and dump it in then can when you get home. Not hard! If my 76year old grandma can handle it you can to.


2 years ago a friend of the family lost a hole wagon load of hay bails to some dip shit who through a but out the windo of his car wile passing him on the road.

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Guest wesxprs

I smoke. I am in the process of quitting.


I do not consider myself weak, just habitual.


I also agree with not following so close to the smoker in front of you. If you have such a problem with a cig hitting your car, why do you drive it? I mean think about it, summer time when you cruise you get bug guts all over it, worse than a cig butt in my opinion. Winter, salt, nuff said. Any other time rocks and who knows what else.


Quit bitching and stop tailgating.



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Lemmie guess. There's going to be a ban against smoking in my car.? Hell, you people won with not smoking in bars/resturants, why stop there?


I wonder if there will be a time where I can't smoke in my own house, or better yet, on my back deck.


I wish I could quit smoking. It's expensive as hell, and it's f'ing with my sinuses. That doesn't make me weak. ya know.. it's called.. umm. ADDICTIVE! Yeah. that's it. If I could stop tomorrow I would, but just the addiction alone makes me still want to smoke. It sucks, yes, eventually I will quit smoking, but until then.. piss off. I'll still continue to flick my butts out the window.


btw, I've thrown several cigs out the window driving right next to a cop. He didn't do shit.

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