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Racist Bastards

El Karacho1647545492

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You didnt laugh at it at all? :eek:



He's just runnin his hole because it was something I said. He'll deny laughing at All in the Family and Archie Bunker next.

Hell he probably will claim how offended he was by the video of the Amazing racist haulin those mexicans to the INS office and all the comments he made while doing it.

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All in the Family is one of the un-funniest sitcoms of all time. Seriously, it's lame.


However, politically incorrect humor is something I find hilarious. I would also contend that there's a difference between politically incorrect and racist; the latter is much more severe, blatant, and hate-oriented. I'm sure there are some that would contend that they are the same thing.


I haven't seen Blazing Saddles, so I can't offer an opinion on its relative worth. However, for the record, I thought Spaceballs was a pretty funny movie.

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All in the Family is one of the un-funniest sitcoms of all time. Seriously, it's lame.


However, politically incorrect humor is something I find hilarious. I would also contend that there's a difference between politically incorrect and racist; the latter is much more severe, blatant, and hate-oriented. I'm sure there are some that would contend that they are the same thing.


I haven't seen Blazing Saddles, so I can't offer an opinion on its relative worth. However, for the record, I thought Spaceballs was a pretty funny movie.

Leme know if you want to borrow blazing sadles.

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All in the Family is one of the un-funniest sitcoms of all time. Seriously, it's lame.


However, politically incorrect humor is something I find hilarious. I would also contend that there's a difference between politically incorrect and racist; the latter is much more severe, blatant, and hate-oriented. I'm sure there are some that would contend that they are the same thing.


I haven't seen Blazing Saddles, so I can't offer an opinion on its relative worth. However, for the record, I thought Spaceballs was a pretty funny movie.


Kids these days... I use to watch it every week, and catch it in reruns often. And while you are correct that there is a difference between political correctness and racisism, Archie Bunker could not have been more racist if he had put on a sheet and burnt a cross in his front yard. You have the remember that show was done in the 70's. There was no political correct then, about the only thing you couldn't do was drop the N bomb. Everything and everyone else was fair game. The KKK could have a march, and people that showed up were either curious or wanted to join. I can remember several marches they had downtown Columbus, nothing happened, no violence, no bullshit. I grew up watching this change happen.


As far as Blazing Saddles, they drop the N bomb in that so much you would think you were at an Eddie Murphy comedy apperance.


I will say that it's amazing where we were, and where we are now.

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Kids these days... I use to watch it every week, and catch it in reruns often. And while you are correct that there is a difference between political correctness and racisism, Archie Bunker could not have been more racist if he had put on a sheet and burnt a cross in his front yard. You have the remember that show was done in the 70's. There was no political correct then, about the only thing you couldn't do was drop the N bomb. Everything and everyone else was fair game. The KKK could have a march, and people that showed up were either curious or wanted to join. I can remember several marches they had downtown Columbus, nothing happened, no violence, no bullshit. I grew up watching this change happen.


I'm almost the same age as yourself - I thought that 'All in the Family' sucked - as a kid, a teenager, and an adult. It just was/is never funny to me.


Archie Bunker WAS racist - that was the point of the show. In a way it was an expose' on racism and how narrow-minded some people can be. No one tried to hide the fact Archie hated blacks - it was put on display for the whole world to see, and showed the ignorance of hating someone based on their race.


M*A*S*H was also politically correct and that was filmed during the 70s.


You could say there was no PC back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, but PC started in the 60s and grew from there.

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I'm almost the same age as yourself - I thought that 'All in the Family' sucked - as a kid, a teenager, and an adult. It just was/is never funny to me.


Archie Bunker WAS racist - that was the point of the show. In a way it was an expose' on racism and how narrow-minded some people can be. No one tried to hide the fact Archie hated blacks - it was put on display for the whole world to see, and showed the ignorance of hating someone based on their race.


M*A*S*H was also politically correct and that was filmed during the 70s.


You could say there was no PC back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, but PC started in the 60s and grew from there.


Come on Mosley, what could be funnier than watching a racist like Bunker get kissed on the cheek by a black Jew.(Sammy Davis Jr. for all you kids) I was never a big fan of the show either, but you have to admit, it had its moments, and as politicaly incorect as it was, it made alot of people in this country see what racism was all about

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Hell Archie hated everyone. Black stereotyping was most prevelant because of George Jefferson living next door to him. But the Jamacan nurse telling him in the hospital after he had surgury that she had given him a blood transfusion, and he might get a strange craving for watermelon (playing on the fact he was racist) was one of the highlights of the show. But he hated EVERYONE, that wasn't white, male and nonreligous. I know he singled out Jews, Catholics, and I think Prodastants (sp) and Baptists. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head. As I sit here and think aobut it, I don't know that biggot isn't a better term for him than racist.
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Come on Mosley, what could be funnier than watching a racist like Bunker get kissed on the cheek by a black Jew.(Sammy Davis Jr. for all you kids) I was never a big fan of the show either, but you have to admit, it had its moments, and as politicaly incorect as it was, it made alot of people in this country see what racism was all about



for whatever reason I just never found it funny, but you are correct - tt did accomplish it's goal and show people how damn ignorant disliking someone because of their race is. I think too many people look at the show now and go 'OMG he is such a racist/homophobe, how could they show this on TV', without understanding the intent.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest BlackHatch
Fuck that shit, gangbangers should all be put in a giant arena with sharpened spoons and be made to kill each other off as we watch on television. If you're in a gang, you're too fucking stupid to think for yourself.



I agree. I am all for giving christians sharpened spoons and putting them in an arena.

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