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not when he misses gears and get beat in a roll race with a stock 01 z28 that only does mid 13. pretty boys trying to get put in the trunk j/k



not moms


What the fuck? I thought the Government stopped sending you your checks and they cut off your internet...I was happy.


Go away until you have either:

1. A vehicle that belongs to you that you can participate with




2. You have learned how to construct a complete, coherent sentence and will contribute positively to the current membership.


Go back to sweeping floors.


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come play with the r1 u opened ur mouth come race and just to let u know this isnt rob this is mike davis and i will race anything u want


I'm not talking to you Mike, im talking to Robert. For the record, I'm not saying i'm faster than a sprayed, stretched R1. I am faster than your boys cutlass...probably on my pocket bike.


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bub i got a 50 ill race u too u allways talking down on people for no reason im calling u out on a race since u like calling people bytches but if some one would say shyt u guys banned them i want u tonight
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Again, my car is nowhere near fast enough to challange a sport bike, let alone a liter bike. How many times do I have to say that? Also, I never said a word to you about your grammar or your bike so I'm not sure what your problem is...?


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What the fuck? I thought the Government stopped sending you your checks and they cut off your internet...I was happy.


Go away until you have either:

1. A vehicle that belongs to you that you can participate with




2. You have learned how to construct a complete, coherent sentence and will contribute positively to the current membership.


Go back to sweeping floors.



now u peace of shyt i was sighed on and u was talking shyt ur so big behind the the screen, i seen ur car tonight i was ready,i had the bike there even though i wasnt riding it i was riding the ugly gsxr 1000 with the white and blue racing jacket

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lets see da troof, ill race and not sit at home and talk shit but, u guys are mad that we talk shit back but,we sit here at the shop bored so we all get on this name, we can play ur guys games too



like i said befor fuck some spelling and grammer lets race

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lets see da troof, ill race and not sit at home and talk shit but, u guys are mad that we talk shit back but,we sit here at the shop bored so we all get on this name, we can play ur guys games too



like i said befor fuck some spelling and grammer lets race


Why are you calling out a possible 13, maybe 12 sec car with a bike? From a roll no less? Does it make you feel like a man to beat a BIG heavy, slow car with your stock bike?


I dont get it. Whats your motivation?

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its not that he likes running his mouth talking about if i have anything worth racing and alot of people knows that a few people sigh on this screen name, now its his turn, well hell if u would like bring the beast to columbus


and yes my spelling and grammer sucks but i don t ack like im better then anyone then make comments like my pocket rockets faster well or get something fast or quit posting

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lets see da troof, ill race and not sit at home and talk shit but, u guys are mad that we talk shit back but,we sit here at the shop bored so we all get on this name, we can play ur guys games too



like i said befor fuck some spelling and grammer lets race

weqr safdljhsadf sdafjsfd sdfjfd sjf a ejsdfl a;dsfjuf dsjf


?SDjf8aHFmns dsj; ofkm f ajfim akfiahj sdkgu sdjkre cdjfd frgkmfd


**He should be able to read that.**

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its not that he likes running his mouth talking about if i have anything worth racing and alot of people knows that a few people sigh on this screen name, now its his turn, well hell if u would like bring the beast to columbus


and yes my spelling and grammer sucks but i don t ack like im better then anyone then make comments like my pocket rockets faster well or get something fast or quit posting


Basically, let me spell it out for you:


I had no idea that more than one person shared a SN. I'm not sure why you do, seeing as they are free and pretty much anyone can get one, unless you can't figure out how to register. If you need help, ask Robert, he figured it out.


I wasnt talking shit to you, period. I was talking shit to Robert, and I will continue until he either has something of his own to race, or contributes positivley to this board.


You want to race my turd on a liter bike...do I get 20 and the go? :lol:


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