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Waffle House = Thieves


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I went to dinner w/ my dad tonight after work, it was like 10pm, so there's not much to choose from. We ended up going to the Waffle House on 161 / 71. Food was alright, got the bill. $8.89 My dad grabs a 20 to pay for it, one of 3 that he just pulled from the atm 10 min before to pay for the food, all the money he had on him. Give it to the lady, she hands back 1.11... uhhh wtf? She argues she was handed a 10, so the very much intelligent lod tells her to go back and check the drawer... wtf? Your letting HER! The Thief! to check the drawer.. w/e. She comes back, obviously, everything 'checked out fine'... no doubt she pocketed the money, she gives us some stupid ass number to call. Screw that.. the cops are called. Maybe 5 min. later they arrive, get our story, gets the thieves story, and then tell us we're not getting the 10 dollars back tonight and to call a f*cking 800 number.. It's not about the ten dollars, she's a thief! Nothing I hate more. Thanks a lot law enforcement, way to stick it to the good guy.


Anyway, i'm extremely pissed. There's a thieve, her names Michelle, not hard to miss as she's huge and harsh on the eyes, working at the 161/71 waffle house. I don't know what else I can do, it's not about the ten dollars. It's about the fact she's a thief, and undoubtably has done this sort of thing before. So.. if you end up going to this restaurant and get jipped (it seemed like the lod was in on it as well), make sure you file a report. Hopefully they'll put two and two together and give this bitch some jail time. /end rant

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Did you produce the ATM stub for the police? Since that has a time and date on it, I would think she would be pretty stupid to argue that...
That seems to be a good idea but that wouldnt work either. There would be no way to prove that was the only money his dad had even thou it would be common sense to know that.

Thats sucks I'm with you its not the $10 its the fact that the bitch is a thief

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Just read this, that pisses me off! I frequent the one at Polaris & up north on rt 36/37. Cashiers are SUPPOSED to lay your ten or twenty on TOP of the cash drawer, give you your change, then if all is cool - they put your $$$ in the appropriate drawer. After reading this I'll never visit that one. Your Dad's probably screwed out of his $10, yeah it's not about the money, it's the principle of the situation -
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Unfortunatly this is going to be a his word against her word kind of thing. I deal with it all the time there is no way for the officer to know who is telling the truth. The only way that management is going to know if she is a thief is if this has happened before. how ever you can have a report taken, dont know what good it will do. Thats why I like to pay at the counter and I always lay the money onthe counter in front of them. Sorry your dad got screwed, it sucks. I liked the marked bill tick sounds cool.
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I know Michelle. She's a bitch. She used to work at the Waffle House on Roberts Rd. She probably didn't pocket your money, but she is a bitch. She probably made an honest mistake, and thought you were trying to rip WH off. But she is a bitch. I like the marked bill thing. That's a good idea.
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Nah. I think she pocketed the money, i have no reason to lie. She DOES work at wafflehouse, so that right there doesn't say much about intelligence. Marked bill thing seems like it would work. The cops didn't care about the atm receipt, we even stated that we knew it was our words against hers, but obviously they were no help. I'm not sure how detailed the cameras are, but if it's able to see our table (right in front of cash register) or the cash put in the drawer, they could see the truth. Probalbly not though, waffle house is so dumpy it's more then likely just for show.
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