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Denver tries to Legalise Small amounts of Pot


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No no, my friend ANY POSSESSION!!! Wheather driving or not!!! Believe me on this one. If you are being taken to court on account of illegal drugs...i.e. marijuana... and you are found GUILTY, then the L's are gone for at least six months. This is bullshit ny the way, walking down the street blazing a dooby and they take the L's? WTF!!!
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why do u care if it is legalized or not...u dont smoke...


Is this a rhetorical question?


If not, then you're implying that, in order to have some investment in a political, legal, or social issue, I must in some way be personally involved.


So, by you're reasoning, since I'm not gay, I shouldn't care about gay marriage, and, since I'm not a woman, I shouldn't care about abortion, and since I don't hunt or carry a gun for protection, I shouldn't care about gun laws, and since I don't want a twin, I shouldn't care about genetic cloning, and because I'm not a pedophile, I shouldn't care about laws regarding sexual offenders.


Dude, fucking think before you type.

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Explain why you feel everyone should have the right to smoke pot, even if you don't plan on exercizing that right.


I didn't say everyone should have the right to smoke pot, I said it should be legalized. Alcohol is legal, but not everyone has the right to drink it.


Cannabis should be legalized for economic gain, plain and simple. Legalize it, tax it, and profit. The government wins, cultivaters win, smokers win - everyone wins.


Cannabis is no more dangerous than alcohol. The effects of its intoxication are no more impairing than the effects of alcohol intoxication, and the effects of its chronic use are no more detrimental than the effects of chronic alcohol use. Alcohol is legal; why not cannabis?


That, in brief, is my take on it.

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So by that rationale, anything not as dangerous as alcohol should be legal, and anything more dangerous should be scrutinized? (I know you don't feel this way, just making a point)


Your argument also implies that the legal state of alcoholic beverages sets a precedence of legality. Just because something is legal now, to me, doesn't imply that it, or similar products/instances should remain, or become legal.

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The Dr. has a really good point. I do smoke on occasion, but that isn't my reason for taking his side. This is going out on a limb, but, most of the fag high schoolers that take their first rip do it to be cool. Does anyone else think it might be possible that the legalization of cannabis could lower its allure to some kids? I mean seriously, it being illegal doesn't keep its sale rate down; picking up a bag of green is as easy as getting milk from the 711.
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A dime a day keeps the Dr. Away


If they legalize weed and start selling it in stores I'm still going to buy it from people I know off the streets. You know the stores will be selling some dirt.


What would be funny is conversations like this.


"Whats up bro."


"I heard Kroger on West Broad had that fire."

"Nah, nah Sunoco on main got some KILLER."

"Bro, Meijer on brice gots some Hydro $20 a blunt."


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um...only if you're driving while intoxicated...



absolutley 100% untrue.


go ask any attorney in ohio and they will tell you that if you are convicted of ANY drug offense, regardless of if it was possession of pot or cocaine trafficking, regardless of whether it happened in a car or not, and state law says you lose your license for no less than 6 months, and up to (i think) 5 years maximum.


if you are walking down the street, smoking a single joint, and a cop stops you, you can lose your license, if you are convicted of the drug offense.


now this isnt to say that an attorney cant get you your license back maybe, or if you dont get actually convicted of the crime, then you wont lose your license. IE if they plea bargin down from "drug abuse" to distrubing the peace or something...

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A dime a day keeps the Dr. Away


If they legalize weed and start selling it in stores I'm still going to buy it from people I know off the streets. You know the stores will be selling some dirt.


What would be funny is conversations like this.


"Whats up bro."


"I heard Kroger on West Broad had that fire."

"Nah, nah Sunoco on main got some KILLER."

"Bro, Meijer on brice gots some Hydro $20 a blunt."



would there be different brands? IE you can get the national HYDRO brand for like 50 an eighth, but if you buy the kroger valu time brand, its only 20.

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Hell, legalize it. I dont, and I doubt the army will change thier stance on using it, so I wont smoke (at least untill I am retired) just make sure there are some laws regarding public intoxication ect. so it cant become a safety issue to others, and people who abuse the right and endanger others lose the right.
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If it is ever legalized, the brand name will be Marlboro, Winston, Newport, Camel, and ECT... They already have the infrastructure to package it and market it and the experience of taxation on their product. Both Cigs and Pot are bad for your lungs, however if the government could keep chemicals out of pot so they don't end up like cigs. The industry would boom and I would have no problem with the legalization.
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