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Casino review - Belterra in Indiana


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We headed down to Belterra Casino Resort & Spa for the weekend. The main purpose of the trip was to hit the Texas Hold'em tables. Six of us went and stayed in 2 joined rooms. Overall, a great time.


Hotel - Ranked a 4 out of 5 by the on-line reviews. We gave it a 2. Average rooms, less than clean beds, no restroom vents (this is important with 6 people who ate buffets and drank a lot of beer all weekend), warm, not hot showers, no fridge, and the final strike - very expensive rates during Fri - Sun.


Food - what you would expect for a casino.


Drinks - Ditto.


Slots, Black Jack, etc - most tables had a high minimum bet, except for on Sunday morning, where most tables were $2 min / $100 max. Again, typical.


Poker Room - we spent 90% of our gambling time here. Everything from $2/$4 tables through no-limit. It was no-smoking, a huge plus for us. Overall, very polite and friendly dealers; a couple jackasses who must have thought they worked at VIP rooms in Vegas. ~45 minute wait for $2/4 tables, less for 3/6, 4/8, 5/10+. My wife and I both played around 6-8 hours each. All said and done, we came home a combined negative $14. This doesn't show the whole picture; we were down more than a hundred, and up just as much throughout the weekend. One couple ended up down > 200, and the other ended up well over 300 ahead.


Only word of warning here is VERY strict table rules. We got bitched at because my wife was way up, handed my $100 in chips to go cash out, and the fucking table through a fit. DO NOT touch chips that aren't yours :).


Final result - for ~ a 3 hour drive, it was well worth it. Next time, we'll go during the week and save $100 a night off the hotel room. Oh, and the bathtub makes a GREAT beer cooler.


EDIT - and the sink is great for keeping shit cool, too:


Sink Cooler

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A hundred bucks is considered "way up?" What the fuck.. I won't even waste my time going there then.


I didn't say "way up". We didn't go to come home rich. We went to get the fuck out of Ohio for a weekend and see some friends we don't often see. We both love to play poker, and she went to the spa a couple of times. Coming back home less than $20 in the hole from poker, roulette, 21, and slots was pretty good in my book. :)


And as far as not wasting your time... we watched several $2000 poker hands go down.

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:) Damn, I DID type way up... seemed way up because she had been -$91 a few minutes earlier. They bitched because she took $100 in chips off the table, during a hand, and handed them to me (I was just watching the game). The problem was she took 'table money' off the table before officially saying, "I am out". They consider it Casino money until you quit the table.


We also got yelled at because I leaned in and told her something. The dealer said that I can speak as long as everyone at the table can hear me.


So I said, "Yeah, uh, ok. I'm heading up to the room to take a shit and drink a couple beers." Table laughed; dealer did not.

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