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Drives me Nuts / Retailers / Xmas


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I'm all for the Holidays. Christmas, New Years, hell I like them all = 7/4, Labor & Memorial Days, etc etc. But I'm sooo tired of the retailers! I recognize our economy is slow & Xmas is THE retailers savior in dollars & cents. But - do they have to start now?????? It's only Nov 9 (two weeks before Thanksgiving) & already if you go into a store the Christmas decorations & sales set ups have already begun. TV & radio are already starting the ads! It turns me off, before you know it Christmas music will start too. In my humble opinion, this should not begin until AT LEAST the day after Thanksgiving -
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Guest fixerupper
Well, you have just proved that the retailer's marketing strategy has pulled through. It still ruins the spirit though, that's pretty much been shot since I was real little.
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I dont mind the decorations being up early, I dont really pay attention to it. Its just all the F-ing people that fall for the shit thats get to me. "oh theres a sale I gotta get there!" and so traffic gets backed up for hours because all these people have to go now and I'll im trying to do is get to school/work, nothing different.
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