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rant: 161 area drivers


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What the fuck is it about the general area of 161 from Little Turtle down to Sinclair that attracts the worst fucking drivers on the face of the planet??? Driving delivery in the area, I usually have to avoid some dumbass fucker who thinks that no matter what they always have right of way, has those special "invisible" turn signals, and dumb shits with SUVs who keep pulling forward in the left hand turn lane every time someone in the right lane tries to inch forward to try to get a view of whether or not it's safe to turn right on red, as if they feel that if they have to wait to make their turn, so should everyone else.


Not to even mention the shit like people pulling out of the apartments on tamarack into the wrong lane (with stickers representing their country of orgin all over their bashed up camrys and bonnevilles, of course), facing directly at my bumper and getting stupid looks on their faces wondering why people are slamming on their brakes and beeping at them. Here's a hint: You are in a country that drives on the right. Regardless of what you may think, this is not a situation where americans like to "think outside the box", bitches!


Plus there's the truly dumb shits that think that tailgating a 3 cylinder is going to somehow make it accelerate faster. Where's a gun when you need it?

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dumb shits with SUVs who keep pulling forward in the left hand turn lane every time someone in the right lane tries to inch forward to try to get a view of whether or not it's safe to turn right on red, as if they feel that if they have to wait to make their turn, so should everyone else.


god i fucking hate when people do that.

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That shit makes me want to whip a spark plug through their window. If the light is red, you ain't makin your left turn. Period.


Forgot a few other dumbshit things people do, like NOT moving when the light turns green. WTF? It's green. Go. Go or I headbutt face, biatch! Or the fossilized motherfuckers who ignore the bigass signs at every fucking intersection that has a service road that say "Do NOT block intersection" and pull their fuckin Contis and shit right into the middle so nobody on the service road can turn, and nobody can get onto the service road. Naturally, I have to get onto the service road to get back to the shop after a del, and these motherfuckers try to block my shit every time.

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