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Gahanna Has a Jumper!


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so, after waiting for a while my buddy to show up, i decided to leave. im on the 270SB, coming from easton...as im coming up to the 670 exit and gahanna exit, i see a cop car on the bridge (agler Rd). no big deal. as i get closer, there is a WOMAN SITTING ON THE EDGE! with her feet over the wall. i see the cop walking towards her slowly, then i went under the bridge. i was going south, she was sitting over northbound traffic. so im like HOLY SHIT, SHES GONNA JUMP!. get off the exit for gahanna, call my mom, let her know whats happening (she actually was coming the same way i was originally coming from, about 3-4 min away from where it happened when i passed by and she was on the bridge), get down to where the new city bbq/tim hortons is, i see sheila murphy (anyone from gahanna knows her) bar lit up, FLYING around the corner towards 670. i turn onto stygler, onto agler, get towards the bridge, there are 2 cops on the bridge, directing traffic around their cars, and i see some guy in shorts/sandals/tee shirt looking over the edge. im like, oh no...so i go to stelzer, bust a right, im talking to my mom, said shes passing it, and shes on the freeway...i go up to the easton exit, come back down, get in the left lane, slow down some when im passing by, there are 4-6 cop cars blocking ALL northbound traffic, NO ONE is getting by, and there are 4-5 cops kneeled over this womans body on the road....WHAAT!. as im passing this mess of stopped cars, a fire truck, ambulance, and 1-2 cops are passing the cars to get up there...


now, honestly, its not a HUGE jump. yes, it could kill someone if they landed right on their head for sure. my reasoning for thinking she is alive is that there were 4 cops kneeled down next to her like they were trying to help. i think if they showed up and found out she died from the fall (in the 6-7 min from when i passed by originally to the 2nd time) there would be no reason to have 4 cops kneeling down next to her. i think if she died, they would probably be getting crap to start whatever they need to do. its abotu a 15-17 foot jump (one of the lower bridges, semis still get under)...i think she probably just broke a lot of bones.


still a crazy ass situation


anyone get caught up in that mess of stopped NB traffic? she jumped between 12:05 and 12:10, caus i left steak & shake easton @ midnight exactly

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thats what i told my mom. people like this should be removed from the world to stop breeding. death or jail will do that.


of course, then i get the 'my mom' speech..."you dont know whats going on in her life...what if her husband beats her every night bleh bleh bleh" then i was like "ok im going back out. bye"

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