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So I'm thinking of running for office...


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Yup. Its true. I'm seriously thinking about going into politics. I'm not sure how far, or how serious I am at this point about this. It has been on my mind for awhile and I'm leaning towards it. So, any input? Obviously I'm sure there is a far amount of you who hate my guts. That's cool. Nobody liked Bush and he made presidency. Haha!
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Ya might wanna think about stopping the use of SATAN, TUEFEL, or other devilish names as you might lose a few votes that way. Then again, when the gay porn vid is discovered you might juts hafta reconsider running for any office, except for maybe in California.
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i would organize a posse and lynch you in your front yard as a warning to all other cr members with political aspirations.


seriously ben, thanks. i havent laughed that hard in days.


Its cool. Having fun selling cell phones?

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Ya might wanna think about stopping the use of SATAN, TUEFEL, or other devilish names as you might lose a few votes that way. Then again, when the gay porn vid is discovered you might juts hafta reconsider running for any office, except for maybe in California.



Eh, I've been thinking about dropping that anyways. It has gotten quite old, actually. I do have to say, however, I was expecting more, "so what's your stand on this" type of replies. But hey, this works too.


Chris: I know you'll vote for me. Along with all of the others who agree with what I have to say. That's why I'm thinking about it.


A buddy of mine's dad told me I should run for some sort of position in politics. "Start out small, and test the waters. See if you like it", he said. A fifty-something year old man agrees with my views. Wow. So how many others out there do as well? That's sort of what I'm hoping to find out.

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You should start out in like school borad something entry level


Whats your stance on education?

id like to see more care on our homefront not iraq your thoughts?

fed deficit or city, county since they all have one.

what about politicians being a part time job and not gettign rich off of it is that somehting you agree with or not (now granted most are lawyers but come on 1/4 mil to vote for a state?)

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I also have thought about running for some sort of office. One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to stear clear of anything that can ruin your image. Even if you have posted something derogatory on cr, is ammunition your opponents or enemies can and will use against you. Image is everything in politics.
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I also have thought about running for some sort of office. One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to stear clear of anything that can ruin your image. Even if you have posted something derogatory on cr, is ammunition your opponents or enemies can and will use against you. Image is everything in politics.





dammit, thats the second time ive fallen out of my chair just reading this thread! stop it, you guys are killing me!!!!

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You should start out in like school borad something entry level


Whats your stance on education?

id like to see more care on our homefront not iraq your thoughts?

fed deficit or city, county since they all have one.

what about politicians being a part time job and not gettign rich off of it is that somehting you agree with or not (now granted most are lawyers but come on 1/4 mil to vote for a state?)



I've thought about city council for Dublin or Hilliard, or something along those lines. Board of Education is something I would like to serve on later.



I have a strong background in technology in education. I am a firm believer that we need more technology in the schools. Kids need more exposure to what they'll actually be using in the real world. Also, I strongly disagree with the "No Child Left Behind" act. We're simply forcing children to be test takers. I think we need to focus more on the different learning styles of each child, and encourage them to excel, not teach them how to get good scores on tests. I also think we should seriously consider teaching foreign languages much earlier. European and Asian countries start teaching English and/or other languages as soon as children begin school. Why don't we? Because the world needs to speak English? No. We're lazy. Our educational system doesn't believe the children are smart enough to learn it. They think it’s too stressful. However, its been proven time and time again that the earlier you introduce a foreign language, the easier it is for children to learn it.



I think we're spending way too much time and money, not to mention American lives, for a reason that hasn't really been made clear to the public. Why are we there? Ask 100 Americans why they think we're there. Over 50% will say "oil". Don't believe me? Try it. It was just done with many more than 100 people. Oil. The same oil we're paying double for? How about the $9.9 Billion profit Exxon recorded last quarter? It was the highest profit in one quarter by any company ever. Feeling screwed? So, we're fighting a war in Iraq. We already ousted Hussein, and put in place their new government. So why are we still there? To help them out? Or is it for the oil?



Honestly, at this point I'd say I'm more interested in state and local deficits. I believe there are a lot of places we could cut spending instead of cutting school budgets. I feel our tax dollars are not being used as they should, and too many politicians are leaving office wealthy.



It disgusts me when I hear of politicians leaving office wealthier than when they began. There is no reason whatsoever anybody should get rich working for this country. I don't care if it’s the mayor of a small town, or the president of the United States. Nobody should leave office wealthy unless they started out wealthy. Making money off of struggling Americans is just wrong. Politicians are supposed to be there to serve the public, not have the public serve them. As for making it a part-time job, I can't say I'd be opposed to it. However, it really depends on the level. School board? Yeah, they could be part time. Mayor? No.

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You may all laugh, but those of you that know me know that I have the people/bullshit skills to pull this off. If you ever want any help/some sort of connections let me know, Ben.



I definitely appreciate it. I'm sure I'll need all the help in the world. I haven't made any decisions yet, but I'm really getting sick of seeing the way everything's being ran.

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knowing this country, anyone named "I am the devil" isn't going to win office. might need a name change first...;)



The whole satan thing started as a joke, because I'm an asshole. In all actuality, I'm a nice guy. Most everyone on here can vouche for that. But when need be, I can be a real ass. But yes, the name gets changed.

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(thoughts in my head)

what do I say? Do I be supportive and acknowledge his witty ability and that this may be a good thing. Or do I go off of puplic record. Hmmmm....... He's actually a good guy and wants to do the right thing, you can tell. I'm going to sleep on this one.

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(thoughts in my head)

what do I say? Do I be supportive and acknowledge his witty ability and that this may be a good thing. Or do I go off of puplic record. Hmmmm....... He's actually a good guy and wants to do the right thing, you can tell. I'm going to sleep on this one.



Public record shows one disorderly conduct, which was a minor misdemeanor in Hilliard, Ohio. That's it, other than traffic violations. I have a fairly clean record.


I think you should support me, Joe. :D

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*ehem* Let's not forget that little incident in Indiana... :D



I didn't. The courts did. I got a deferment. It will never be on my record. It's as if it never happened.


For those of you wondering, I got arrested for public intox in Indianapolis walking across the hotel parking lot.

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