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Leg humping

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This is a fairly common thing to see aournd here. For those of you who do it, just know that it makes you apprear desperate. You do not get laid often and when you do all your friends know about it because you have to tell them.


These types of actions are only done by lonely individuals who have nothing else to.


All to often when a girl signes up on a forum such as this one they are not hot, and I am talking 98% of the time they are not hot. This does not deter the leg humpers though. Their lack of getting laid on a regular baisis has changed their mental chemical condition allowing them to be interested in anything that shows intertest in them. I like to call this condition "low standards". These are the same people who bang the fat chicks and tell all their friends, which normally the oposite is done.


If you are a leg humper please understand that this condition is mostly non curable becasue you are a loser, and will more than likely always be a loser.


This condition of leghumping is just one of the many side effects associated with loserdom. Perhaps next week we can discuss the side effect of "bringing up the one time we all hung out together OVER AND OVER AND OVER again".

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Both of you are quite correct. We soldiers deffinately take it as we can get it, some more than others. Mostly it is cause we spend weeks upon weeks with each other, smelling of foot and ass. It's like showing food to an Ethiopian, they're gonna eat it, if it's offered. (no offense taken, I've taken for the team PLENTY of times)
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Both of you are quite correct. We soldiers deffinately take it as we can get it, some more than others. Mostly it is cause we spend weeks upon weeks with each other, smelling of foot and ass. It's like showing food to an Ethiopian, they're gonna eat it, if it's offered. (no offense taken, I've taken for the team PLENTY of times)

come on scott.....u were like this before boot-camp :D

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Both of you are quite correct. We soldiers deffinately take it as we can get it, some more than others. Mostly it is cause we spend weeks upon weeks with each other, smelling of foot and ass. It's like showing food to an Ethiopian, they're gonna eat it, if it's offered. (no offense taken, I've taken for the team PLENTY of times)

What is the deal then when you are not currently active. Why still the low standards. Please keep in mind I am only speaking from the experience of the people I know.

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Nah I'm Regular Army, full timer. Berto was refering back to my past gf, and maybe another we won't mention. As far as the standards, I'm usually piss drunk, looking out of one eye, and make a BAD judgement call. But I look at fat girls like this, I'm a lion on the prowl, in the African safari. Yes, I'd love to get the slender, delicious impalas, but that's a lot of effort, and NOT always garunteed. NOW, look at the water buffalo. Yes, it's not as fast, not slender, but is a garuntee for some food one way or another. So sometimes, I choose the buffalo because I'm lazy.
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Guest MissTypeS

I think its kinda cute/funny/psychotic when they all attack my post at once. ;)


And hey, I'm no ugly chick by the way. I'm not gods gift but I'm definitely not hard on the eyes. Keep the faith - sometimes hot chicks do surf teh interweb (and car forums). :p

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