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C6 Z06 > Gallardo


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How shocking a vette owner not know how to drive.. wow I never would have guessed haha :-P



HEY HEY HEY!!!! Easy now.





Also, I remember reading somewhere that the Lambo and Vette are owned by the same guy. I guess he had one of his friends drive the vette during the race. That could explain the slow shifting. Must be nice though to have a Lambo AND a new Z06...

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So, it looked like the Z06 was given a car from the go, but the Lambo made that up in an instant. Then, the Z06 pulled a bit and then started to walk away. Hmm.


Great race, regardless - two very cool cars for sure. Glad to see people racing them.



What he said. Really all that matters is that they got raced. Something that doesnt happen to much here.

Vettes excluded ofcourse.

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V8 or V10 it isnt going to matter much, there #'s are pretty close, ones AWD complared to rwd, the lambo is gonna lose more because its got to transfer to 2 more wheels. If i had to pick the new c6 z06 the the sweetest thing out there right now.Anyways does anyone else think the guy in the lambo looks like hes wearing a helmet?
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spaceghost, I do own something of value that I run the shit out of. All I meant was if you can buy a new zo6. You can powershift it like a man and if it breaks you can fix it.



But is it worth it to go through all that, just to win a race, that in the end, doesn't really mean jack shit?

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But is it worth it to go through all that, just to win a race, that in the end, doesn't really mean jack shit?

then buy a toyota and drive it like a grandma, why buy a perfomance car to baby? unless you drive it just to look cool.

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