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So I met this chick...


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So I met this girl rite, shes awesome... she works at my company, but in another building (so it makes it ok to talk to her "at work" hah)... Of course I manage to meet another girl that has a kid (which is ok really)...


Her daughters name is.... Teegan http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/kekekegay.gif


When I asked what her name was and was told, I chuckeled and she kinda wondered why :lol:

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ha. at least you know their names. my buddy in pittsburgh is tryin to hook me up with one of his friends, and she IM'ed me one night, and i talked to her, she said to call her sometime, and then got offline, and i realized i didnt have a clue what her name is. lol
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See, if I were in your shoes, I woulda done a 180 (as far as trying to go out w/ her goes) the second I found out she had a trophy. But I'm still young and kidless, and don't want to deal with the hassles of a kid in the picture; others may feel differently.


Have fun, but remember, you aren't supposed to dip your pen in company ink.

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Because of business conflicts.. and having coworkers find out your dating within the company. It usually always ends in disaster.


Luckily this girl works in the building a couple blocks down, so I dont interact with her nearly at all. Thats about the only reason I even kept talking to her after finding out she was hoooo0000ttt.

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I am seeing my UPS driver, whom I met at work. She usually recieves my overnight package.


BTW joe, thanks for fucking that all up at Fridays/donericks. That was fucking great. We need a beer sometime.

I'd like to mention I had NOTHING to do with the Donericks thing. Me and my g/f left minutes before a certain someone showed up, and Tim really didn't mean any harm by what he did; had he known what was going on, he woulda kept quiet. But yes, we need a beer sometime. :)

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