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need a picture drawn/created

Chad is Dead

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Can anyone make me a picture online? I need it to be a guy look like he's sneaking around. I want him to be kind of crouched down and looking at you. So his body should be headed like he sneaking and his head is turned looking at you. It would be awesome if he could have a hooded sweatshirt and i want me make sure you can see his eyes. Black and white pics are ok. I would really appreciate it cuz I'm thinking of starting a little clothing thing for some of my friends and we would really like that as our "mascot" kind of thing. Thanks
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Oh yea and a little cartoonish is fine...im looking kind of tagger looking guy.....but I'm open to anything. And if I choose your design I'll hook you up w/ one of each shirts/hoodies for free.

Heres some pics of different elements I want. So put it all together and I'll probably love it.





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