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The entire north-eastern corner of Ohio is like Grove City...


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Most of my family lives in Conneaut, Ashtebula, Geneva, and Erie. The whole area is like Kentucky. Seriously. My parents live in Kentucky, so I can say this. My grandfather worked on the Erie, PA railroad all his life. Its a weird area up there. I love going to visit though.


As for what TJ said about the girls being stupid and neglected, this man speaks the truth. I've dated so many girls from that area. Its great. I can't wait to go back.



Funny, I will not comment on the girls being stupid thing, my wife has a BS in biology and finishes her nursing degree in the spring. However my wife's Mother and Family are from Geneva also. My wife was born there but raised in Westerville. They (my wife’s Mother and her Brothers) owned Marcy Chevrolet until they sold it a few years back. I agree weird people, but a cool place to visit, I like to go to “Geneva on the Lake” and people watch. There are more bikes on the road up there in the summer than cars I think. Small world....

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Funny, I will not comment on the girls being stupid thing, my wife has a BS in biology and finishes her nursing degree in the spring. However my wife's Mother and Family are from Geneva also. My wife was born there but raised in Westerville. They (my wife’s Mother and her Brothers) owned Marcy Chevrolet until they sold it a few years back. I agree weird people, but a cool place to visit, I like to go to “Geneva on the Lake” and people watch. There are more bikes on the road up there in the summer than cars I think. Small world....



Dude, Geneva on the Lake rocks! I remember when I was a little kid my folks would take me up there. It was a nice family place, like a small amusement park. Now its all bikers and bars. Funny. I loved it as a kid, and I love it now. Haha! You're right, small world. My grandparents bought their last three cars from Marcy Chevrolet. Hell, the 93 Cavalier my little brother drives is from there. That's funny. I dated a girl that lived in Chardon for a little while. The whole long distance thing didn't work real well though. But I still have some friends that live up in the area. It is a fun place to go visit, but I'd never want to live up there.

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That is pretty cool. I wasn't sure if you knew of the dealership.....






That's a map from my grandparents' house to the dealership. Haha!!!


Distance: 0.3 mi (about 42 secs)

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Oh, I see, YOUR sponsored by Mom-n-Dad motorsports. Your club sticker is in the mail. I am also in college, work 35-40 hours to pay for it, things for my 2 cars, my bills, and for the past 10 months, the bills for the house my mother and I live in. I am not saying I am better than you, just giving you a reality check, and telling you to stop whining, because you have nothing to whine about.




The cost factor of Me>You, but my car still being me>you was just in response to you bellyaching about money, and the car you drive in which's title I bet is not in your name.


No I am NOT sponsored by mom and dad. How is a joke whining?


Congrats on paying the bills, but for my degree working and going to school at the same time isn't possible, at least for me since I'm no Einstein. I'm either going to school full time or working full time each semester. Hell going to school full time for me is like working 80 hour weeks, and then some.


The title is in my name, not in my hands yet but will be soon when I pay off the loan early. On top of that I have installed/payed for headers/ypipe on it since I've had it, along with getting data logging software for it. Which was about $1500 between the two, half the total of what you put into your car, but I am going another route than you.


Finally, I will give credit where credit is due. I was impressed with the output of your setup. It's your mouth/brain/hands on the keyboard, whatever, that is annoying. I hardly say shit to anyone, but you have the biggest mouth I have seen since 96cobra or whatever his name was, from back in the day. Thats the only reason people have to bash you.

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Guest moddmatt97cobra
You should have just asked your mother then silly.


As for me,it would be funny if I lived in a trailer, maybe.


I would be willing to bet there are MORE trailer parks in the City of Columbus than in Cleveland seeing as it is a much more country/hick town than Cleveland, but I dont care enough to research it.



dude all you do is talk shit! no wonder why people hate your ass.

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