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big ass frefridgerator... dont knwo the condition if it works or not. it was here when we got the place

set of drawers.. crappy shape.. good use for firewood

a mirror thing.. that has like draweres beneath it.. its big.. nice for bedroom or whatever.


also there is still some wood left in ym basement if ya want it.

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oh there is mroe left.. good stuff you could use as kinnling, also foudn some more bigger pieces of wood.. plus smash up the dresser and what knot you got tons of firewood.. if thats what you need it for.. plus some stuff they used as shelfing.. which is like 12" wide baord.. thats like 1/4" thick or so.. like 3 feet longs i dunno somethign like that.
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You should plug in the refrigerator and see if it works. If it does then I will for sure pick it up and get it out of your house. I need an extra for our basement cuz having 4 roommates means I also have a stuffed fridge. Let me know if it is in working condition. Thanks!!


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