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Anybody ever use it? it's suppost to clean out you engine, pour it in gas tank, crankcase, and a main vaccume. i heard a few things on it, so i finnaly bought some, i just poured it in my crankcase for now, plan on doing the vaccume layter, but i already have some lucas fuel treatment so i wasn't going to waste it.
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When I put some in my car a few months ago it was like a freakin' Spy Hunter smoke cloud. Drove around the block and goosed it a tad. BIG huge puff of white smoke came out and just ligered there for a few minutes.


Good stuff.

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  mr x said:
i just did it about 4 secs ago, relly didn't see that much smoke, i used a 3rd of a can just like it said, i pured it in rel slow, then i let it set for 5 min, exatly.


i guess it'sd just because it's a lil' dinky 1.7L rabbit



that or you didnt have much carbon to remove!!!!IMO

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Did you use the vacuum line closest to the TB? And it's a good idea to open it all the way up (engine off) and take some carb cleaner to it and if its real bad around the blade ,find a old tooth brush and scrub it clean! IMO
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  mr x said:
i alreayd did that with regular throttle body cleaner, mybaye that's why i had no smoke?

i used a vaccume line that when strait into the middle of the intake manifold


that's prolly why. No carbon to burn out. The damn egr on these cars dirties up our intake manifold pretty good, lots of gunk. It can actually end up sticking our secondary valves shut which equals shit power. Throw it in the vacuum line right behind the tb. Lots of white smoke, but runs like a champ afterwards. I need to do this again soon. Easier then taking off your intake manifold.

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  verse said:
I have never heard of this stuff before, where do you get it? Where do you put it? What are the benefits?


I know you can get it at Advance auto parts. You can put it in the gas tank to clean fuel lines, injectors, TBs, carbs, and valves. You can put it in the crankcase(oil) to clean all the oil journals and lifters ect. You can also pour it in a vacuum line on the intake that closest to the TB and it will eat most of the carbon off the topend of the motor. Good shit really works, and dont mind the smoke, like everyone else say when it get poured in the intake you can bet on seeing some smoke.

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