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Actual pics of the 09 camaro


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Did anyone get a chance to look at the actual pics of the 09 camaro that got leaked? Hopefully someone on here saw it, so i don't look like a retard. Anyhow does anyone happen to have them on their HD? if so please email them to gwheeland@delawarelibrary.org
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Supposedly, this is THE pre-production prototype released for SEMA and slated to roll from the factory for the 2009 model year.


I'll be buying one :)

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That's FOUR years from now. Anything at this point would be a concept, which at best might resemble the final product. I remember as soon as it got axed people were on here talking about it coming back in 07 or 08. Now if it were 07, we would have heard something about it by this point, but it's non-existent. Gather what you wish from that. I'm sure the people who want it to come back will somehow take that to mean it is coming back, or that it means nothing. I could care less and that tells me that it's probably not anything more than an idea at GM, if it even is one right now. It got axed because it wasn't profitable, for whatever reasons. The people who made that decision are probably still around for the most part. It would probably take something stupendous for them to decide to bring it back out if the made the decision to axe it in the first place.
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nope dont like it looks too much like the mustang. any rumors on power/ see chevyu gets it wrong every time. i love chevy and i dont care for ford. but ford always seems to get the look and the power and power potential just right. what chevy needs is a brand new idea. a bad ass camaro to compete with the cobra stangs for arround the same price not 10,000 more. like the third gens great body good lines but shit motors. 4 gen good motors shit cars. but i still love chevy.
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Jesse = wrong. Thanks :)

No Jesse is right because he's basing his statement on standard automotive industry standards. GM sucks at marketing and sucks at pretty much everything right now. They think "outside the box", and as a result thousands of people are without jobs. :jerkit:

This will be another SSR. GM will beat the dsrum loudly and people will crave it for a year or two...but they'll release it 4 years later when no one cares anymore.

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That's FOUR years from now. Anything at this point would be a concept, which at best might resemble the final product.

Considering some of the stuff we have at work is an '08 and there's talk of '09's I wouldn't say it's far off.


BTW, I only see red x's

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Those are the real deal, straight from GM. What you see is a real, functional car with some minor work still needed.


I got $20 says it will be out, and very similar to what you see there, by mid-2008.


try hosting the pics somewhere else

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No Jesse is right because he's basing his statement on standard automotive industry standards. GM sucks at marketing and sucks at pretty much everything right now. They think "outside the box", and as a result thousands of people are without jobs. :jerkit:

This will be another SSR. GM will beat the dsrum loudly and people will crave it for a year or two...but they'll release it 4 years later when no one cares anymore.

I had no intent of steering this thread off topic, but Eric I can't let you get off the hook this easy. To me it sounds as if you're fairly un-informed about the issue's GM faces that have driven it to where it is today. Basically you sound like you're riding Michael Moore's nuts after he spouted off nonsense on the radio the other week. GM has lost money this year, but it's not for making shitty products. They have some very highly rated cars and trucks on the market, some models even win quality awards over Honda and Toyota. Marketing has a hand in it, yes, but the major impact are the "legacy costs" and the cost of manufacturing in NA due to UAW demands. The auto industry is like any other business and it must be run in order to make a profit. That means consolidating manufacturing and running plants more efficiently. GM alone employs more then 1 million people in the US. While the 30,000 that are being cuts is sad, you have to realize that it's necessary in order for the company to be around and support the rest of the employees. While the cuts are a sign of a hurting company, they are also moves that should allow the company become profitable again, and in turn create more jobs from future growth. So go ahead, bash a company that employs over a million Americans. Try to hurt more people's perception of the company, even though they are making the highest quality cars they've ever produced. Marketing may be part of what hurts them, but they have a hard time marketing when people spout off BS 'facts' to everyone they know, instead of actually knowing anything abut the cars they make. Rick Wagoner had a letter in the Wall Street Journel on Tuesday. Maybe you should read it.


They'll have it out 4 years later?? Do you know the development cycle of a vehicle line? Four years (actually 3 if it's an '09 model year) is pretty fast for everything that goes into it.


You got me in a cranky mood. /offtopic.

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i am trying to find the picture of the 08 charger concept that they will bring out if there is enough interest shown. trying to find now.

It's called the Challanger and it's an '09 model.



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Ya know what? I gotta say that I'll believe it when I see it. As you can clearly see from the pictures, it's an unfinished model. Probably clay. If it were a real functional car, we would have a picture of the interior, not an artist's rendering.

It is probablly in concept, and if it is produced it will probablly look nothing like those pictures. ANYTHING about the car is pure speculation.

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Considering some of the stuff we have at work is an '08 and there's talk of '09's I wouldn't say it's far off.


BTW, I only see red x's


We are working on some stuff that far out too and the vechiel is nowhere near what it will 'look' like when it comes out. At this point for us, and I assume for you, it's more of getting the functional pieces working.


Now the 07 stuff we are working on is pretty much 'finished'.


At a three year devlopment cycle this car would be in it's infancy. Meaning thoes drawings or renderings would make sense. Even at a four year devlopment cycle that car would only be only a year into devlopment and very far of from looking anywhere near finished.

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