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The ultimate kick in the Nuts!


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Assholes, we got this toolbelt at work that is suppose to be a mechanic. I guess if you call replacing parts until it semi-works, fixing. Hes basically a joke. Tells the owner that this is wrong because this guy did this to it. Unfortunatley the owner believes every word. Bad thing is you literally have to blow a gasket to get any results. You have to force people into opening their eyes to see what is actually going on. People should stop putting so much trust into morons. We have this one guy, has to be 450# easy and hes suppose to tell me how to be safe. I mean come on give me a break. The guy had to be off for 2 months this year because he chose to keep eating. I know some people cant help it but give me a break. Sorry I went off on a little rant. It wont happen again this evening.
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It's just sooo damn stupid, I hate stupid shit. What it is, basically we have new boss, a boss with NO prior management experience or skills for that matter. Then there are a few pysco bi-polar women that work in my department and my boss, a SHE believes every word they say and ohhh the drama, Everything has to be an issue. This is situation is a perfect example as to why women in GENERAL have no place in management. It's like working for 4 different people. Who are you today? pysco Sally, sweet suzie, depressed Betty or crazy Gertrude? Good lord help me!
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Yea, my area coach does it to me all the time. I run crazy ops stats all Quarter long, have one bad night because i wasnt set up from the morning, and its "OMFG Nick, if you want to get promoted you have to show me you want it... you do so good for so long then just piss it away... i just want to strangle you sometimes!" And im #1 in the Columbus region... cant imagine the shit storms the suxxors get :p
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Anyone who uses the words "pro active" should be shot in the face. Discuss.

You just used them. When would you like it?


Here in the military, we have some of the most upstanding people, great people, honest, hard working. We also have some of the biggest system workers in the world. People that have a paperwork excuse for anything they didnt do, and paperwork for why you need to do this for them. The ones that really piss me off you cant do anything to because they have an awesome knowledge of the system, and will burn you in papaerwork for looking at them wrong.

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...anyone ever give 110% @ work, have pride in your work and love your job or at least like it and then some jackass accuses you of slacking?


Yep, had that happen the whole year I worked there...

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Not trying to take anything away from your post about women being difficult to work for, but my wife always seems to get male bosses that have like 20 different people living in the head. Its not just her saying it either because I've been in most of her jobs to fix equipment and its insane.



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