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CR video


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well since today was the first chance and some free time I had a run through the site stealing sig pics, found some videos of a couple olds cruises and threw in some music and came out with this.





right click and save as please.



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Very very cool. Yeah there's a number of cars not depicted that are main stays in CR, but the overall theme is real good (great music too)!!!!



yeah id like ot get more pics and vids but for what i have it worked pretty well.

I should start another thread to have everyone post pics of thier rides.

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i always had fun taking random clips and putting them to music... after i get the S40 done, im going to go purchase a digicamcorder and some software to make some sick ass videos. I just listen to the radio, and hear shit, and imediatly can think of ways to make a cool car video to it... its an addiction :p
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Was the old Ritters meet up point for us guys up north B4 the Hooties meet.


Ya that was before we ended up having 30+ people leaving Ritters only to have a few of the newbs in slower cars start doing stupid things like ricer flybyes on the berms. And remember that moron in the Accord that merged with us, driving like a freaking lunatic??


The best was when we hit 270 from Ritters and see a Supra in the distance. We all sprinted to catch it for some fun runs, then saw that it was The Pikey.......


The cruises were fun, until it just became very unsafe.

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