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Tmobile Sidekick


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whats everyones opinions on it. me and the wifes contract at cingular is up in a few weeks. and we are thinking of going to tmobile. and the sidekick looks right up my alley for what i was wanting in a new phone. with capabilioty to get full web pages up and not the gayt as text web msot phoens have.


i got the store manager down to giving us 2 for $100 a piece, with $50 rebates on both.

they are usually like $249 a piece or something.


orion (dj) chime in please

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i don't like the sidekick, personally. It is ginormous, it is a bitch to use, and the main reason anyone has one is because paris hilton does. Also, I have a few gripes about T-mobile.


As far as DJ chiming in, I was over there at the verizon store checkin his shit out. That samsung 2Megapixel videofone is fucking awesome. If that's not your deal, and you want something with a keypad, the new LG "V" is insane. I've toyed around with a couple friends, and it makes the sidekick look like a Commodore 64. Check that out with Verizon.



DJ, have at it :wtg:

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Side kick is huge and not something I'd want to carry around or in my pocket. I like the "V" from verizon but it's still a little big, plut there is no holster for it so that sucks for me I love the holsters. I noticed a lot of the new phones do not include them in the initial purchase, that wasn't the case before but seems to be the new trend.
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from what i heard verizon service is the suck. hence why i dont even consider them. i liked cingular, but they wont do anythign to keep me with them. they jsut offered a walkie talkie service to, but they wont even plug me 1 free phone.

i was thinking aobut a blackberry, or treo for cingular. the main interest im looking for is the html web. i want full access on the go, and pc syncro. i have a cam/vid/speaker hone right now for cingular, but the web access sucks my balls. form what i hear so far the sidekick is what im looking for but i have no experience with them at all. plus a full keyboard is great, wince me and my wife text a TON.

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from what i heard verizon service is the suck. hence why i dont even consider them. i liked cingular, but they wont do anythign to keep me with them. they jsut offered a walkie talkie service to, but they wont even plug me 1 free phone.

i was thinking aobut a blackberry, or treo for cingular. the main interest im looking for is the html web. i want full access on the go, and pc syncro. i have a cam/vid/speaker hone right now for cingular, but the web access sucks my balls. form what i hear so far the sidekick is what im looking for but i have no experience with them at all. plus a full keyboard is great, wince me and my wife text a TON.


I was a big fan of sprint when we had it. I am now with nextel(work). I have heard everyone I've known that has a verizon go on and on about how good the service is.

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ah, the sidekick. man, what a great device. no, seriously. i love the sidekick. its easy for me to say that, because i never owned one. cool, trendy phone that does all of the things that you want it to do using the (in my opinion) most user freindly interface out there.


that being said, here is some more info for you.


its being phased out. before the middle of next year, there will be a sidekick 3, and a sidekick mini. you can quote me on that.


i can almost promise you that at some point, you will need at least one warranty replacement. probably more. if you get a sidekick, and dont buy the insurance, you are in for trouble.


t-mo's weakest link is their network. i know it. they know it. everybody knows it. why they dont improve it, ill never know. if you are ok with rarely having sevice outside of columbus or away from major metropolitan areas, no problems.


edit i also wanted to mention that you will get better corporate customer service from no other cellular company. when you call tmo, they are there to help.edit


im interested to know, when you say the service at verizon sucks, are you speaking of the customer service, or the network? if its the customer service, then i can help to try and improve that for you. if its the network, then nothing at tmobile is going to make you happy.


as far as verizons devices, they kind of speak for themselves. the "v" (9800) is a really cool device, but its not a carbon copy of the sidekick. the v has a megapixel camera, stereo speakers, an mp3 player, vcast, bluetooth, and expandable memory.


for a truly broadband wireless web-surfing, text messaging, mp3 playing badass device, you really ought to have a look at the tre650. oh yeah, its a fairly nice pda, as well.


feel free to pm me or give me a call for a chat, regardless of which way you decide to go. i still have a lot of contacts in tmo, as well. id rather you be a happy tmobile customer, who will tell your friends about this guy you know who sells verizon and takes care of folks, than a customer of mine who wishes hed rather gotten a sidekick.

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DJ.. what kind of deal could you get me comparible to what id be getting with T-Mobile


1000 anytime minutes

free nights, weekends, mobile to mobile


and adding on the unlimited web, text, sms package


for a total of $89 a month


plus i get a sidekick for $100 - $50 rebate.. so $50

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I've had Verizon, Tmobile, and now Cingular. Verizon was BY FAR the WORST I've ever dealt with. I couldn't go outside of columbus, even large cities it was a joke. My wife and I went to NYC last August, the ENTIRE trip she had FULL BARS on her tmobile 'free' phone, and I had one little shit on my $275 phone. Then to top it off, when we got to NYC, she had great service and I couldn't even get a signal. Not even 20 stories up in our hotel room. We ended up leaving my POS cell in the room and just using hers. And when I used to go out of town, I'd leave my VERIZON phone in Cbus with her and take hers, because I was afraid of having no signal. I ended up cancelling my verizon service 8months into a 2 yr contract and paying the $175 to get out.


NEVER AGAIN will I go to Verizon, my parents both had it as well and have since switched because it was HORRIBLE. Plus they make you get a 2yr contract, where tmobile and cingular is just 1yr. VZW service was also horrible, I can't count the many of times I had to go into the store at easton and literally call people bitches to their faces and on and on and not get any resolvement.


She still has tmobile and I have cingular. We both get service almost everywhere, but her phone still gets it better in the country (her parents live in WV) I tried tmobile for 15 days, got the free camera phone and whatnot, it was great, but I went with Cingular because my work offered me a free camera phone w/ unlimited text/minutes for $5/month. No problems so far though, I LOVE not having to constantly bitch out my cell phone provider.


Good luck man, but honestly, the last thing I would get is verizon. Go with tmobile, you'll be fine.

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DJ.. what kind of deal could you get me comparible to what id be getting with T-Mobile


1000 anytime minutes

free nights, weekends, mobile to mobile


and adding on the unlimited web, text, sms package


for a total of $89 a month


plus i get a sidekick for $100 - $50 rebate.. so $50



i cant touch it, ryan. the closest i can come would be right about $100 a month, and then youd have to pay for the phones. they have the sidekick plan priced so well, that its an awesome deal. it was an awesome deal when i was there as well. id take it. just do yourselves a favor, and get the insurance. also, do a little driving around columbus during your 14 day free look period, and just check out the network, make sure that itll work for you. like i said earlier, let me know eher youre going, and ill make sure you get with someone wholl take care of you.


bam, sorry to hear about your issues, man. i honestly have to say that you are the first person ive ever heard say that tmo has better coverage than vzw (in the states).

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I've had Verizon, Tmobile, and now Cingular. Verizon was BY FAR the WORST I've ever dealt with. I couldn't go outside of columbus, even large cities it was a joke. My wife and I went to NYC last August, the ENTIRE trip she had FULL BARS on her tmobile 'free' phone, and I had one little shit on my $275 phone. Then to top it off, when we got to NYC, she had great service and I couldn't even get a signal. Not even 20 stories up in our hotel room. We ended up leaving my POS cell in the room and just using hers. And when I used to go out of town, I'd leave my VERIZON phone in Cbus with her and take hers, because I was afraid of having no signal. I ended up cancelling my verizon service 8months into a 2 yr contract and paying the $175 to get out.


NEVER AGAIN will I go to Verizon, my parents both had it as well and have since switched because it was HORRIBLE. Plus they make you get a 2yr contract, where tmobile and cingular is just 1yr. VZW service was also horrible, I can't count the many of times I had to go into the store at easton and literally call people bitches to their faces and on and on and not get any resolvement.


She still has tmobile and I have cingular. We both get service almost everywhere, but her phone still gets it better in the country (her parents live in WV) I tried tmobile for 15 days, got the free camera phone and whatnot, it was great, but I went with Cingular because my work offered me a free camera phone w/ unlimited text/minutes for $5/month. No problems so far though, I LOVE not having to constantly bitch out my cell phone provider.


Good luck man, but honestly, the last thing I would get is verizon. Go with tmobile, you'll be fine.


I don't think that was the verizon network I think that was a problem with your phone. I know many of my friends that have verizon and live in cbus and they go all over the states and have service. You are the only person I have heard say this and its crappy they would not help you out on the matter.

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i had a crummy phone for VZW. at home in Blacklick, i had one bar.


i got a new phone (regularly about $300) for free when i renewed a contract, and that service went up to 4 of 5 bars.


it was your phone, dude. although i can't say anything good about calling Verizon customer service to get miscalculated/misbilled charges removed.

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thanks for everyones opinions and experinces. so far the phones they gave us to try out are working well, and havent had one dropped call or no service. and we have been going to different places and ive been using them purposely when we go. im really anxious to use the sidekick. i would say in the next week or 2 we will be going in to finally do a signup wiht t mobile and get our sidekicks. unless something in the service changes by then.
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Personally I think Verizon has the best service. Anywhere I go I have almost 4 or 5 bars. My phone is the only phone of all my friends that has 3 or more bars at Mad River. Anyone with T-mobile has no service at Mad River. I'm up there so often that's why I'd never mess with T-mobile.
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