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the razr is here!


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good lawd! i knew the phone was hot, but this is nutty!


ok, from the top...


berto, i need you to give me a call, or pm me with your info so i can look you up. it sounds like youre stuck, but, i MAY be able to help you out. get in touch with me.


muthapucka, thats the "v"(9800). and yes, it is dopesauce. the 3300 is one of our more basic phones.


clay, treo650 = all-in-wonder. seriously. that device will do everything but make breakfast for you. theres a download you can get for it that allows you to know, up to the second, where a flight is. late, on time, canceled, all that stuff. the cool part is that if its in the air THE PROGRAM PULLS UP A MAP AND SHOWS YOU WHAT ITS FLYING OVER RIGHT NOW! bananas.


brian, you are a stones throw away, man. lets have lunch or something.

btw, "pocket tockets"? uh...


shark, im not sure, ill check for you once i get into the office. were selling the migo for $40 (down from $100 on the website) to columbusracing members with a two year contract. only 9.99 a month for that, though.


keep the questions coming.

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i think the razr phones are the biggest piece of shit around. I've had countless customers come in and it broke, or just stopped working right after their one year warranty was up. multiple speaker problems that stop working. and they are too fragile.

these are from cingular whom is one of the companies i sell phones for

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Got mine last night and already loving it. I took some pics with it today outside of my grandmother's grave at arlington and I'm impressed with the camera phone portion of it thus far. I wish it virated then rang but oh well. I also wish the outside display didn't go dark, because I like to use it to tell time.


I'll be visiting DJ when I come into town next week for some accessories.



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