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Who am I?

Guest Evl Mdgt

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Ahh, the interweb. Add another dumb bitch to it. I offered proof in a couple ways, yet no one took me up on it that mattered in the discussion. You on the other hand, say something short and gay then start a thread on something you know nothing about? You understand that you fall into Powers whiny rant of daily drivers as people's "vehicles" right? Or did you not read that in your pursuit to try and get a worthless jab in? I don't really think anyone cares what you have to say in this thread.
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Guest Evl Mdgt
Ahh, the interweb. Add another dumb bitch to it. I offered proof in a couple ways, yet no one took me up on it that mattered in the discussion. You on the other hand, say something short and gay then start a thread on something you know nothing about? You understand that you fall into Powers whiny rant of daily drivers as people's "vehicles" right? Or did you not read that in your pursuit to try and get a worthless jab in? I don't really think anyone cares what you have to say in this thread.


And you fall into the category of "i'm a big whiny baby who cant take a fucking joke". I was bored, someone gave me the idea for this thread... it was clean harmless fun. Get over it


Yes.. I am a bitch. thank you for noticing.

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Ahh, the interweb. Add another dumb bitch to it. I offered proof in a couple ways, yet no one took me up on it that mattered in the discussion. You on the other hand, say something short and gay then start a thread on something you know nothing about? You understand that you fall into Powers whiny rant of daily drivers as people's "vehicles" right? Or did you not read that in your pursuit to try and get a worthless jab in? I don't really think anyone cares what you have to say in this thread.

Say what ever you want you are tool. Who honeslty gives a fuck about your shitty ass envoy????


No one, so why put it in your profile? I know why becasue that is who you are and all you will want to be. You call it whiny rant but in reality I am keeping it real. You suck go away. People like you have turned CR into a site that people call gay all the time. You are the problem. I am an asshole but go back and read my posts. You will find alot of help offered to people on this forum with facts reguarding automotive persuits. Not some dumb ass Madden bullshit tha my 14 yr old nephews talk about. You may play ps2 and xbox and what ever but don't come here and talk about it, go to a gaming forum.


Then you defend yourself with OMG ROXORS I HAVE AN 8 SECOND CAR AND HAVE BUILT THEM. No you don't or we would all know you, instead of saying hehe I have 800 posts but no one really knows me. Guess why no one knows you?


Give up? Of course you.


I will now tell you why , it's becasue no one cares to know you. You have nothing to offer. If you knew so much everyone would be coming to you for help of you would be offering help in the threads where people are asking for it.


What blower is that in your avatar? Yours? Hrrm I would guess not, I would guess it is like your 8 second car builds a figment of your imagination. Go hang out at some high school and tell those kids how cool you are becasue no one is buying it here.

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I can see all your technical abilities comming out in this thread



Hrrm this one is a suprise too



You build 8 second cars but don't know anyone who tigs????


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Powers, your such a moron. I dabbed a bit in the 240 world for awhile and was a little new to turbos, big deal. Did I ever say I know everything? No. Coming from V8 land, I know I'm not the only person who was unsure on turbos. Who the fuck cares.

Again to prove again your a dumbass, PK Race Cars who does my tig stuff was, extremely busy and behind so outside of them I didn't know who to go to and I was in a rush at the time so I asked. And my Envoy is who I am and all that I want to be? I mean do you actually read the shit you type? Your personal attacks are weak and for that matter don't make any sense. As for helping people, I helped people I have never met when I could. I helped Droptop pull his tranny to put his clutch in his Mustang. I helped Jimmy Dean I believe is still his screen name on here pull his tranny out of his eclipse and put the Shep tranny back in until 2AM when I had to be at work at 7 that morning. So yeah I do help out people I don't even know when I can. So you can basically go fuck yourself there. With you being the new turbo boy, you should be able to see that my avatar is a turbo. But your so s-m-r-t that you already knew that...err wait. I've offered more than once to take some pics of the "imaginary cars" however you want, but you haven't took me up so I won't waste my time until you do.


gearhead: Your the guy with a mullet that has the 12 second 460 Mustang right?

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Here's another drag name to look up powers, since you know so much: Cliff Callis, he's just some old shmuck who works out of his small machine shop (CMW) in his garage in the Reynoldsburg area. Since I'm such a fake I probably don't go with him to the track almost every weekend. Do a little research on Biodo's throttle stops, old trans brakes, etc. Guess who makes those? I knew you knew it. Better yet, check up on what new trans brakes Jesse James is running on the race cars he pushes out of his drag shop in Texas. Yup, a CMW air trans brake. But since I have no clue what I'm talking about you'll attempt to prove me wrong, right?
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