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XBOX360's available


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Someone at a game store when I was buying whatever I was buying told me that PS3 is coming out this christmas because they fixed all the problems they were having with those blue disc or whatever. And that Halo 3 is coming out on the same day to try and steal PS3 sales.
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Someone at a game store when I was buying whatever I was buying told me that PS3 is coming out this christmas because they fixed all the problems they were having with those blue disc or whatever. And that Halo 3 is coming out on the same day to try and steal PS3 sales.


Was this an employee or some random dumb shit that doesn't know what the hell they were talking about.

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Guest fixerupper
Well, I'm not going to exactly trust a site called the Inquirer either. I'm actually thinking about going to pick one of these up for my brother, but with the weather I don't really want to sit outside all freakin night. I figure that soon enough Microsoft will get their shit right. It's like anything they sell, there will always have to be some sort of patch.
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Guest fixerupper
That article is definitely BS.


And I'll be getting my Xbox 360 when Gears of War and Saint's Row come out.


No, it's not BS, I just made a trip to Best Buy and they said you'll have to be in line Sunday morning to get one.

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wont catch me buying one of those.. Ide be PISSED if I brought it home and it had those same freezing problems as some of the others have had.


PS3 for me

Statisticly only 3% of all 360's have failed that way better then the avg which is 7% on new electronic item.s



The best part is i know 3 poeple with 360's who have 0 problems when setup correct no in a entertainment center were it can't breath.

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Statisticly only 3% of all 360's have failed that way better then the avg which is 7% on new electronic item.s



The best part is i know 3 poeple with 360's who have 0 problems when setup correct no in a entertainment center were it can't breath.


Yeah I'd heard it was even less than 3%.. it's funny people still speak internet hype as fact.

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